Need help with server [ Plugins , properly working plugins ]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Nojaxas, Mar 24, 2013.

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    Hello,so I had a server and one time Mojang just released and released and keeped releasing newer versions of Bukkit and I needed to update my server ,but I couldn't because not all plugins will works..Then my server "bancrupt".. Now I want to start a new one and I will need more help from Bukkit maybe.. I know Mojang will take a month or more to release 1.6 ,but to the topic.

    Could someone find me a build where those plugins would work?;
    Multiverse [ For SkyBlock,SG - HG ]
    Survival Games
    Would be great ,or like alternatives would work, I don't know how to make all work , I am not a coder or I don't know ,my server isn't big to be known and get the best
    Thank you.
  2. pex is a kind of plugin that will break at every minecraft update, so update it if you could to the version your server is running or use a bukkit safe permissions plugin
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    I think they should all work with the latest bukkit builds (1.4.7 RB/beta and 1.5 dev), as the bukkit API doesn't change thaaaat much with each update and plugins don't break that often. (Well WorldEdit does, because the Minecraft Block class seems to change with like every minecraft version)
    So just get the CraftBukkit build you want and try all those plugins with it, it should work without errors

    I think it didn't break for a loooong time, just when 1.4.7 was released. I had like never have to update PEX

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
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