need help with minecarts/boats

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by thecoolwolf, Mar 26, 2011.

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    Hi im running bukkit 544. minecraft beta 1.3

    im having trubble with minecarts and boats not having a max speed limit making you go like 10 times faster then possible and flying off rails. i have minecart maina and lots of other plugins but it was like this before i got any plugins. boats seem to be totaly broken but sometimes the minecarts work like normal so i dont realy know whats going on :confused:

    i would realy like some help cuz we have built a rollercoaster on my server and cant even use it xD
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    well first of all, b544 is a dev build, so your going to have troubles more than likely cause they are kinda hit and miss.

    second, after build 483 minecarts started having some troubles, they have fixed it but we cant use the new builds cause there isnt a reccomended build out yet with the fix. And of course the new builds break any plugin that interacts with blocks.

    I know i stated you should use rb's but I found b480 to operate in a mostly stable way, even though it was not an rb. The only rb that does not have the minecart issue is 440.
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    ok im not 100% sure im using 544 cuz i downloaded the 556 but it says 544 in console when i start server :/

    can you link me to 480 or 440 then? i cant seem to find it

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
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    on the left of this page you will find a listing of builds, at the bottom is a "show more" link, that will bring up all the builds they have done.

    the build is actually the part that says b480jnks at the end of the string.
  5. Offline


    thx i found it^^ but they didnt work.. xD i will put brakers and stuff instead until a new rb are out^^ but do you know why every build i use show in console that i have an other one? 480 said 483 and 440 said 456
  6. Offline


    those numbers are not part of the build, just read the last 8 characters after the last - of the line the rest is gobbledygook.
  7. Offline


    you are looking at the wrong number. The first number is something else.

    This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-516-gdf87bb3-b531jnks (MC: 1.3)

    in this case, my server is running build 531

    edit: ninja'd.. but i made mine PRETTY! :)
  8. Offline


    ah thx for helping a newbie out guys :D
  9. Offline


    you did and yours is much more descriptive and visual. of course, while you were doing all that, i was responding to the question. LOL.
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