Need help making a minigame plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by redraskal, Nov 30, 2013.

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    Now I know what you are thinking, their are like 1 million plugins out there. BUT that is not what im asking for... I was wanting to see if anybody could make a plugin that it rotates through mini games and has a money system. If you can not, can someone please help me start it off then? I can make plugins, but i'm just a beginner at that.

    Redraskal :rolleyes:
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    Move it to Plugin Development.
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    Can you please expand the functionality of the plugin you desire? By that I mean how you want the plugin to be formed :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Think that it already happened :p
    redraskal Money system is just a regular economy plugin.
    And how do you want to go through all of the minigames? Every minigame is probably a different plugin

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