Need Bad Code

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by RoboticPlayer, Oct 6, 2015.

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    This might seem like kind of a weird request, but could someone provide me with some code that isn't very good and has some flaws in it (maybe even a stacktrace or two :))? I want to start getting better at Bukkit an learn better what are good and bad practices. I feel this would be a good way to help me as well as other people (especially people who are new to Bukkit). Thanks in advance, henderry2019/RoboticPlayer (whichever you prefer :p)

    Edit: Sorry if this needs to be moved.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @henderry2019 Writing code yourself and having it checked is probably better.
    No static, no public vars, understandable variable names.
    Those are the most important things.
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    @timtower @Zombie_Striker I agree with these guys, but there are plenty of people on these forums who write bad code as well as some infamous youtubers.

    EDIT: I don't quite agree with @timtower about this no static no public. His suggestions need more context.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    They both get misused for the sake of laziness. Not to improve the code.
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    *cough* TheBCBroz *cough*
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    Or just stick around here for a few days and read threads with 0 replies. You'll see all the bad code you could ever dream of. Focus on threads with people who are new to Java, but still think they can learn Bukkit for some reason.
    mythbusterma likes this.
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    bad.code here if not then player = binner_done is awesome
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