Plugin Help Need advice on plugins

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by crookcbs, May 16, 2015.

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    Hello I'm new at this server thingy, my 7 year old son wanted his own server so I got him one not realizing its some work :0) Its fun thou so I dont mind. My question to you is there are lots of people out there giving advice on what plugins are good etc. I grabbed a few from here and there and I want to make sure that I don't have 2 things that are doing the same thing or working against one other or am I missing something. Please help. If you need to see the server working and what I have done thanks to you all Minecraft people you can check it and suggest to me what I can do. By the way my son has a prison map.

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @crookcbs Add WorldGuard, protection set by moderators / admins
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    My bad the pic cut world guard out but yes thank you I do have it
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    Not sure if you have anything to run the chat but, i would suggest aswell as chatcontrol.(a bukkit or spigot plugin) since hes 7 years old chat control allows for stopping people from swearing publicy and turns f***(added * into it myself on purpose) into **** aswell as reporter also from bukkit/spigot to let people report bugs or people that cause issues, has a build in location finder where it was reported from and the location of the person who was reported where he was at the time.

    Added i give you a list of our survival server might come in handy regarding some security stuff and regular additional stuff, some of these plugins are usefull depending on what u want, we dont have a prison server so dont have advice on that however. Feel free to ask about a certain plugin and ill gladly tell you what it does or why we have it :)
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    For you I would suggest prison 2 since it is a prison world after all. That includes ranks to rank up that have special messages when you rank up, it also includes mines that reset over time. I use this plugin for my server and trust me the mines will not take a boat load of server ram from your server and its great! If you have any questions about this then feel free to ask me.
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    Thank you both so much I put alot of your plugins you had and Im about to put prison 2 :)
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    Want to make sure that I'm not doubling up on a plug in that does the same for example ez rank and prison rank are they the same? will they mess eachother up if so and which one should I keep and let go? Anything that you see use less that is taking up too much RAM also I am on a server so I'm now at 90% so I need to lower this number if possible. My server address is if you need to see it running. Thanks again

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    What does group manager ez rank prison rank do, compared to permissionEX. Not sure but going by name group manager does same thing as permissionEX and ez rank, idk what thats for honestly.
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    I know less than you :) I just downloaded top plugins and must plugins and now I'm trying to configure them as we speak I started with world guard and so far I got the wand placed the two points but when i do the 3rd step as the you tube video said which was /region define (and whatever you want to name it) it gives me an error sayin sql something talk to server? This is a pain in the but lol. So as far as the group manager and permission ex keep permission x? and prison rank up is similar also to both? only need 1 of the 3?
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    i checked for you on that group and permission ex they do EXACLY the same thing and like zepermission and 1 other i cant think of right now all are exacly the same sort of plugin i suggest out of those 2-5 to use permission ex it works great got no issues with it and they released a new version which i didnt update on the survival yet however as i wanted to test it out with hub first. a compatible 1.8 version. Essentials runs great with PEX and allows to have [owner] in chat and such group manager isnt much different but having 2 plugins doing the same thing yea can clock up the system. Cant say why your sql for world guard errors up dont think we use that part of it. though last beta version isnt as stable as the 06 is but yea. Prison rank up is different as it uses a config to determan if someone is eleged for a rank up, permission then provides the permissions for that rank, its like autorank just for prison.

    Edit: Checked out this..EZrank up system and seems to only do /rankup if there is enough funds, now prison rank up does EXACLY that too with the exact same commands, so that would mean you do /rankup and 2 plugins react where you only want 1 script to do this.

    Future reference.. top plugins or suggested tend to have for lets say permission nodes a top 3 most used plugin thus why you have 3 plugins or 2 of each type doing the same thing.

    i use permissionex some prefer zepermission and other groupmanager making them 3 the top 3 most used.
    Last edited: May 18, 2015
  11. Offline


    crook whats the ID of the server?
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