Natural Spawning

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by iceblue1188, Dec 13, 2016.

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    I need help finding a plugin or way of disabling all natural spawning. So like, pigs and creepers, etc, don't spawn. The only way they can spawn is from spawners or spawneggs. If there is no plugin that works, can someone help and create a plugin for me?
    Also, the version I'm using is 1.11 for paperspigot. However, most bukkit plugins from earlier versions work with it, so I am sure that won't be an issue.

    - Icify
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    /gamerule doMobSpawning false
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    I'm pretty sure that only gets rid of hostile mobs
    Passive mobs (like cows) will still spawn regardless of there being a spawner/spawn-egg or not.
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    Nope, all mobs cannot spawn naturally
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