MySQL Question

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by zachoooo, Oct 16, 2012.

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    I am developing a plugin that uses a mysql connection. Only problem is that the connection times out after 8 hours. Which is better, start and stop the connection for every request or just remove the timeout limit for mysql database?
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    Deleted user

    Well it's probably a good idea to refresh the connection every so often.. however you don't want to disconnect / reconnect every time you call for the database for stability reasons. I mean there are several ways to go about this its really just what you want to do. Btw my AH sponsors one of my plugins :p
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    So what do you recommend?
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    Deleted user

    Well you could have an Integer and every time you call to the DB ++ the int and check it's number and lets say if the int == 50 then refresh the connect and set the int to 0... that way it will refresh every so often.

    Then again 50 is a large number and it just depends on how many times your calling to the DB.
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    I'd say the database is referenced every few seconds, I could have a scheduler add 1 to the database every so often for those few times when the database is rarely referenced.
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    Deleted user

    If your going to run a scheduler may as well run a repeating one and evey 30 minutes or so refresh the connection
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    Why didnt you just suggest that in the first place then XD?
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    Deleted user

    Because I like to avoid running a constant scheduler at all cost. For resource reasons..
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