MySQL Database / LogBlock

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Tomrocks99, Oct 14, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Hey guys,
    I have had LogBlock for a while now, trying to find a good free MySQL database. I have found what appears to be a good one. I believe I have put the details into LogBlock config.yml correctly. When in game I type the command /lb tb to get bed rock, nothing happens except for an error message in chat saying " No database connected. Check your MySQL user/pw and database for typos. Start/restart your MySQL server."

    Is there a reason why it cannot connect? How can I fix this? Is there a way of running my own MySQL database from my laptop so my server can connect to it?

    Thanks for reading,
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  3. Offline


    Does your server run on your mobile computer too? If so, you should get XAMPP, install it where you want it, start up the "XAMPP Control Center", click the "Start" button right next to "MySQL" and give your logblock configuration this:
    Hostname/IP: localhost
    Username: root
    Password: ''
    (I don't know how the settings are called, just replace what i mean)
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  5. Offline


    What OS do you use? Best would be if you install mysql on your server.
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    Tomrocks99 likes this.
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    Thanks CRAZYxMUNK3Y . Its working great now!

    CRAZYxMUNK3Y I thought it was working great... It still logs the info and tells players the info, but in the console it says:
    18:00:08 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 2118
    18:00:14 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 2047
    18:00:20 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 1958
    18:00:26 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 1869
    18:00:32 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 1754
    18:00:38 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 1668
    18:00:44 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 1561
    18:00:50 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 1456
    18:00:56 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 1344
    18:01:02 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 1243
    18:01:08 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 1130
    18:01:14 [INFO] [LogBlock Consumer] Queue overloaded. Size: 1012
    This has been happening non stop now for the last 20 minutes. How do I fix?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  8. my.ini set key_buffer fro m16M to 128M

    i am getting this sameissue with new logblock setup, the config.yml being reset even though all ihad changed since the setup was the mysql info,,,arggh *pulls hair out *

    any ideas and ithis time actualy post the solution here instead of via PMs

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  9. Offline


    I don't think LogBlock is the best plugin. I've used it before and it's just a hassle. CoreProtect is way better (my opinion). Maybe try that out?
  10. Offline


    I followed the tutorial at
    I'm stuck on step 3 because my 'test connection' doesn't work.
    Failed to Connect to MySQL at localhost:3306 with user root
    Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
  11. Offline


    TimJSwan: Did you set any MySQL server up? (e.g XAMPP, LAMP, WAMP, MAMP)
  12. Offline


    I had installed XAMPP and started a SQL database but logblock never recognized it so I uninstalled it.
  13. Offline


    You definitely need a running SQL server. Better get XAMPP again, start MySQL and try connecting to it via the Workbench tool with the data I provided above
  14. Offline


    I got the database working. I found out that XAMPP had me turn off the database networking by setting it's config file to have a 'skip-networking' command in it. Now, I would like to have this command run to be secure, but I don't know how to set it up to use a pipe. This is their commend section describing the skip-networking command in the config file:
    # Don't listen on a TCP/IP port at all. This can be a security enhancement,
    # if all processes that need to connect to mysqld run on the same host.
    # All interaction with mysqld must be made via Unix sockets or named pipes.
    # Note that using this option without enabling named pipes on Windows
    # (via the "enable-named-pipe" option) will render mysqld useless!
    # commented in by xampp security

    What I am wondering is how do you 'enable-named-pipe' on a Linux or a mac. Log block and workbench don't connect when I run skip-networking so they obviously are not using the pipe.
  15. Offline


    Didn't you install the SQL server (XAMPP MySQL) on the same machine where Bukkit runs?
  16. Offline


    i just got logblock for my 1.6.4 server and it says "No database connected. Check you MySQL user/pw and database for typos. Start/Restart your MySQL server."
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