My plugin absolutely doesn't work on other servers.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by stimoze, Aug 3, 2016.

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  1. I have a plugin for 1.8, and it works fine on my server. But if I put it in another server (Another server is a hosting server in this case) it doesn't work. I tried with spigot api, normal spigot, cb 1.8. Nothing worked. How can i get it to work?
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    Build it agains Java7. Thas my guess, but could you provide a full server log?
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    Do you happen to know what Java version that the other server is running? if you build your plugin in Java 8, you will get an error, if you build it in 1.7, problems solved for issues relating to that.
  4. Alright, but how do i get Java 7? I can't download it from Oracle's website because it's removed.
  5. @stimoze
    You don't need to download java 7, you can just select to compile with it in whatever you're using to compile. For example, in IntelliJ under the Project Structure > Project menu, you can simply select to compile with anywhere from java 3 to java 9. Of course, you can't compile your project for java 7 if you use java 8 features such as lambda expressions.
  6. Will it do the work if I un-compress it + compile it in Java 7?
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