Multiverse-Portals (starter help)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Devious, Feb 10, 2012.

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    Hi guys, I really have difficulties having Multiverse-Portal work. I don't know how to upload a world, I don't know how to make a portal to go to the other world, and if I do why is there no world properties i can adjust? I'm such a n00b.

    I host my server in ClanForge, so its quite difficult to understand. Please help!

    Thank you!

    And I don't know any commands either :(

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    Ok, MV is a pretty good plugin, but it takes some practice, I'll write some basics here, and reffer for the rest to the MV wiki, deal?

    So to start, there are a few plugins using MV: multiverse-core, multiverse-netherportals, multiverse-portals, multiverse-worldinventories and anotherone wich uses signs to teleport. Anyways, if you only use mvcore, you'll only be able to support multiple worlds, without any portals to it. This means you can set warps in other worlds (if you have essentials of a warp plugin) or allow player to use the multiverse command:
    /mvtp <world>
    Using /mvl (/mv list) you get a list of all worlds imported. There are two major ways to create other worlds:
    /mv import <world_dir> <normal/nether> will import an existing world wich is located in your server folder. The <world_dir> is the name of the directory it is in. F.e. you have a world in the folder "world2" and you want to import that, you put that world folder in the server folder, and use ingame this command: /mv import world2 normal. the "normal" or "nether" determines wich dimension it will use, if you import a world as "nether" only the nether world of that world will be imported. This is the way MV works, so if you want a world with the netherworld, you'll have to import both, the nether version and the normal.
    /mv create <world_name> <normal/nether> will create a new world, in the folder you said it world_name was. normal/nether is the same.

    Using mvportals, you can create a portal to a specific world. Using this method, player can walk in a portal to enter a world in stead of having to use a command. you'll need to select an area first (check the wiki of MV for more info about this) and than create a portal:
    /mvpc <portal_name> <destination> if you want the world to go to world2, you use this: /mvpc portal_world2 w:world2 notice the w:world2? this is a way of giving a desitination. this is the easiest one, it'll teleport the player to the spawnpoint of that world.
    /mvpl gives a list of all portals, /mvpr <portal_name> removes a portal.

    Once your world is created/imported, you can set a spawnpoint (there will be a default set ofcourse) /mvsetspawn will set the spawnpoint at the spot you stand.

    using mvnetherportals will allow you to link the netherportals (the ones with obsidian frame you light with flint&steel) in your world to a specific nether world: /mvnp link <world> <nether_world> will make players that go in their portal in world goto nether_world

    now this is only the basics, there is a lot more to learn, so check out more info here:
    wiki core:
    wiki portals:

    hope this helped,
    rmsy likes this.
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