Solved multiple config.yml

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by xelatercero, Oct 11, 2016.

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    i have a default config file created, but now i have made another one , and i call it in other classes with an instance, for example:

    Main plugin;
    home(Main instance) {
    plugin instance;
    and i have made a new one called data.yml:

    FileConfiguration data YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
    my question is: how i can use the data.yml in other classes i mean if i do plugin.getConfig, i am getting the default config file but i want to get the data.yml, how i do it
  2. @xelatercero
    You could either make a method to get the special yml file in the main class, or just use YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration() in the other class.
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    FileConfiguration data YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(getResource("data.yml"))
    This dont work, i mean i have an error i cant use this, why?
  4. @xelatercero
    The getResource method gets stuff that is packaged inside the jar file of your plugin. Are you sure there is a data.yml file in your plugins jar file?
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    @AlvinB YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration("data"); but this dont work i put this and drop an error
  6. @xelatercero
    You have to put in a File Object.
    1. YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File("myfile.yml"))
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    @AlvinB omg i am so stupid, thanks!!!
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