Moved Wrongly

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Keyle, Apr 27, 2011.

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  1. Hi there,

    I am working on a plugin which teleports the player, but I keep getting the 'Moved wrongly error...'
    I use Presureplates to detect a teleport request, so every time a player enters a stone-pressureplate with a gold block below it a player teleport to another "teleporter". It works but every time I teleport I got the 'Moved wrongly error...' an sometimes I got a kick because of travelling to fast.
    I use the onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) to detect the walk-on-pressureplate.
    Is there any way I can fix this?

  2. Offline


    Please show us a bit more code so I can find you a solution
  3. Offline


    Take a look at this thread:

    It looks very much like the same problem you're having.
  4. I already read this thread.
    The problem is that they use the PlayerMoveEvent there and not the PlayerInteractEvent :(

  5. Offline


    I'm having this same issue but with the block physics event =/ I'm guessing the problem is that the move event activates after the block events and so its taking your previous location and combining it with the teleported to location. What we need is some way to modify the move from variable outside of the move event.
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