
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Ethan Rocks 365, Apr 4, 2016.

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    Ethan Rocks 365

    Plugin Name: More4Towny

    Plugin Category: Addon

    What I want: Towny but I want some extra ranks, and some extra features. Maybe even just an add on

    I would like a new feature. Heres what it is
    WARS: wars are started between two towns. One town must to /towny war {otherTown} {amount of money} and the other Town must do /towny war yes. Then members of the town can do /towny war tp and it will tp them to the other towns base. When one town kill the other towns leader, that town wins the money set in /towny war {otherTown} {amount of money} from the other towns bank account.
    I would also like some ranks. Heres what they are
    Hunter: The hunter rank is assigned with /towny rank {playerName} hunter. There can be as many hunters as the leader wants. The hunter gets 10$ every 30 wood blocks the break (can be any kind of food **MUST BE LOGS NOT PLANKS).
    Miner: The miner rank is assigned with /towny rank {playerName} miner. There can be as many miners as the leader wants. The miner gets 30$ for every piece of coal, 40$ for every piece of gold, 50$ for every piece of iron, and $100 for every piece of diamond.

    Ideas for commands:

    /towny rank {playerName} {rank} - ONLY LEADER RANK
    /towny war {otherTown} {money} - ONLY LEADER RANK
    /towny war yes - ONLY LEADER RANK

    /towny war tp - ALL TOWN MEMBERS

    Please and thank you!
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    why dont you use a job plugin for the second part?
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    Ethan Rocks 365

    I guess I could do that but I do need the war part
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