Modifying structure-generation

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by aronuserparty98, Jun 23, 2013.

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    Plugin category:

    Suggested name:

    What I want:
    I am interested in knowing whether it is possible to modify the structure-generating mechanism of Minecraft. As I want structures to cover large amounts of the worlds area, this would be extremely useful to be able to do instead of manually having to build these requested structures. Also, if not the previous request already was too complex for the current version of Bukkit and Minecraft, it would be amazing if these structures could, somehow, be customly built by others. This would mean that if I'd like a medieval village, I could insert such building into the plugin and it'd start generating the village I built instead of the default one(s). This is a very complex idea that I'm very sure isn't possible, however I believe it's always worth taking a shot at asking here, since you're the experts.
    In all simplicity, a plugin that'd allow modifying the built-in structure-generating feauture in Minecraft.

    Ideas for commands:
    No commands needed for this plugin, however it's depending on the inserting-system for a custom structure. If that system would be similar to World Edits way of copying and pasting, then commands would be necessary.

    Ideas for permissions:
    - morestructures.*
    (The player has the ability to use the plugin at it's full potential. OP by default.

    When I'd like it by:
    Rather fast, in all honesty. It isn't my coding process, but I must insist on it being done as soon as possible. Of course, I cannot rule over how much time the coder will devote to this project, and I have much respect for that.

    Thank you!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    aronuserparty98 and Yannick_2000 like this.
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    Very interesting. Seems rather complicated, though. I will try to work it.

    Thank you!
  4. This sounds awesome, you have inspired me... Going to test a few things

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