Mob auto-spawn zone, maintain population

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Greylocke, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Offline


    This would automatically spawn mobs of a specified type within a pre-defined zone and maintain a steady population. Uses could be: zoo, barnyard, themed areas, etc

    Does not need a UI, can be entirely configfile based. Entries in the config would be:
    • Region (cuboid that defines the area)
    • MobID
    • MaxPopulation
    • Interval (how often to check population)
    • SpawnAmt (qty to spawn)
    So every [Interval], if [Region] is loaded, then it would calculate the population of [MobID] within [Region]. If the population < [MaxPopulation] then it would spawn [SpawnAmt] of [MobID].

    Sounds like a quick hack for someone who knows craftbukkit! What do you think? Doable?
  2. Offline


    +1 looks cool
  3. Offline


    This appears to be something that could be done quick and easily, I will look into it and possibly do it tomorrow night (Atlantic time) although I am quite busy and may not be able to get it done.
  4. Offline


    So many other plugins almost do this, but none (that I've seen) attempt to maintain a certain population within a region.

    Thanks for your offer -- let me know when there's something to test!

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