Mob Arena Error.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xninjaarawr, Jun 26, 2013.

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    I was editing my config file to Mob Arena, fixing the rewards, ranks and such. I save and reload, tried testing it out. I try a Mob arena command and I get an error.​
    I try to do mob arena commands, none of them work, bringing me to this error;​
    I'm guessing it's something that is wrong with the config file, but I can't really figure out whats wrong in it. If you're able to help me fix it & post the fixed config on pastebin, that would be awesome! ^^ my mob arena config file --->
    I really want to fix this, my players really want Mob arena working again. ​
    Thanks! If you could it would be awesome if you could put the final, edited config file on and give me the link ;u;​
  2. the file is fine. at least as far as a yaml parser is concerned.
    post your server.log so i can get more info on the error
  3. Offline


    The "default" arena doesn't have a world specified. I don't know if this is required or not. It probably is.
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    I use a control panel, (http:/ & I can't really show the server log cause it won't let me edit it. My best bet right now is to find the default MA config file, and go from there, I'm not sure. About to give up haha. I checked the parser, it did tell me nothing was wrong but apparently that was not the case because it's still not working ugh.
  5. Offline


    I think he means from your FTP. There's a little text document located in there (usually the same location as your CraftBukkit.jar) named server.log.
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    Yes, I know. I looked there. there is infact a server.log file, but I'm not able to access it. I mean, I can see it but I can't edit it, go into the file to see whats up. D: This is so confusing. Oh and JamiePhonic
  7. Offline


    I noticed in your MobArena config, you have no coordinates set up for arena "default". After your "class-limits" in the default arena, it skips to your second arena.

    Did you set it up in-game correctly? If none of your commands are working, edit it in the config file.
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