Minutes Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by dlndcrdso, Jul 30, 2018.

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    Plugin category: Tools

    Minecraft version: 1.8+

    Suggested name: Minutes

    What I want: I want a plugin that shows different players playtime by world. I want the plugin to record how many minutes a player has played a certain world, and total on the server, and want this minute count to reset every month. Here is a screenshot showing what I want:
    - When you type /minutes or /minutes <name> (https://gyazo.com/c719b33c5db7697e2bb23292649c55d2)
    The player's total minutes, so far this month, as well as their minutes in each world. I would also like worlds to be grouped, for example: survival, survival_nether, and survival_the_end minutes should all be under "survival" minutes. I would like for groups and world names to be configureable as well as make lobby / hub minutes not count towards the total minutes. Thanks in advance.

    Ideas for commands:
    /minutes - shows your minutes
    /minutes <name> - shows any other players minutes
    /ma reload - reloads plugin
    /ma reset <name> - resets a player's minutes

    Ideas for permissions:
    minutes.player - Permission to see your own minutes
    minutes.others - Permission to see other players' minutes
    minutesadmin.reload - Permission to use /ma reload
    minutesadmin.reset - Permission to use /ma reset

    When I'd like it by: Not urgent but preferably in the coming days.
  2. Offline


    Have you tried Stats? It should have a statistic for the amount of time played on a world.
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