Hi, me and my friend have just though of a plugin to use on our server. It is a Minigame. BREIF DESCRIPTION: It is a Team Based Minigame where we spawn on Sky Islands and bridges build across to a centre island. Teams then all fight together. The winning team then get Telported to a new place where the teams are disbanded. The winner gets 200 in game gems to spend on Powerups. FULL DESCRIPTION: If you didn't read the top description I want to place it again here it is... It is a Team Based Minigame where we spawn on Sky Islands and bridges build across to a centre island. Teams then all fight together. The winning team then get Telported to a new place where the teams are disbanded. The winner gets 200 in game gems to spend on Powerups. And when they get to the middle they need to collect something to declare them a winner. When this is selected it will broadcast to the server. We need it to have four team islands where the teams will spawn. After 10 seconds of the game starting the first set of bridges are built. I want these to come on block-by-block with smashed glass, if this makes sense. Then at the second island they fight. Each kill is worth 10 gems. They can spend their gems in a GUI in the Hub. They also need to choose from kits at the start of the game: Assault, Archer, Assasasin, Tank. I want Assault to be a default kit but you buy the others with the gems that you get. I want to be able to configure the kits in a config file. COMMANDS (I WANT WORLD EDIT INTERGRATION): /set spawnisland <name> /del spawnisland <name> /set centre /del centre /del castle /overlord forcestart /overlord forceend /winner <we put the name in> Permissions: overlords.spawnisland.create overlords.spawnisland.remove overlords.centreisland.create overlords.centreisland.remove overlords.forcestart overlords.forceend overlords.setwinnder