Minecrafts success due to Bukkit?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by tanveergt5, Apr 27, 2013.

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    In the last 2 years or how ever long it's been since the beta, I have never actually bothered to play offline/Single player.

    Now if you think about it, there is like 20k+ servers out there?
    so what I don't get is why isn't Notch /Mojang funding Bukkit, isn't the whole success of minecraft down to bukkits functionality? who the heck even uses Vanilla? Personally I don't play games that aren't really online on the PC (excluding console games)

    If notch has made 60million, last time I read just howmuch has he put into bukkits development?
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    tanveergt5 likes this.
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    112k+ SERVERS out there?!?
    And what has Mojang actually done for bukkit besides make life hard?! they could have atleast had hosted them a official blog/forum on minecraft.net with a storage space etc
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    I don't have much of an opinion on the issue but I think the fact that Mojang/Notch has allowed the mods (SP & MP, including Bukkit) to continue is more than some other companies would have done.
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    Actually, I would say, more than 150k servers, including vanilla servers, because Essentials plugin ITSELF is on 133k servers! [​IMG]
    I do agree, here, because without Bukkit, Minecraft probably wouldn't have made those 20 millions purchases, or whatever it was, they would be WAAAAY down in the low zone, and not have this base of people. Maybe Notch/Jeb_/Mojang could actually fund Bukkit, to actually know they've been appreciated in doing their work!
    tanveergt5 likes this.
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    kreashenz They already showed they appreciate Bukkit by stealing our beloved Dinnerbone, and some others.
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    I'd say about 1/3 of those are plugin test servers or servers testing things for production servers.
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    Without notch there haven`t existed a game to be played on bukkit :).
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    So just because someone makes a mod for a game that becomes popular, the developers have to fund it?

    Minecraft was a huge success way before multiplayer was ever even released. It succeeded because of its own ingenuity, not solely because of Bukkit. Bukkit wasn't the first sever mod either, there was a nifty little system called hMod that was around before Bukkit was even a figment of the imagination. And discounting even that, Minecraft's singleplayer community alone is a whole other world in its own merit. With literally thousands of amazing mods and maps for anyone in the world to play for their heart's content, the singleplayer experience is a formidable force in and of itself.

    Also -- way, way more than 120k servers exist. Those are only the servers that are running McStats, which are a relatively small portion of all servers that are actually running.
  10. Offline


    Actually I'm guessing about 90% of servers have MCStats.. It comes with essentials & many other popular plugins.
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    Lolmewn He still comes on, right? BUT WHY THEY STEAL HIM?!!
  12. Offline


    A large proportion of Bukkit servers, yes, but still not all. Bukkit servers, no matter how popular, still don't represent all servers that exist. Count small, private servers, vanilla servers, and any other type of server that doesn't explicitly use Bukkit and a plugin with McStats. That's like counting a country's population solely based on the number of registered citizens -- obviously undocumented people must be accounted for as well.
    bobacadodl likes this.
  13. Yup, I do agree with you. And Notch was kind enough to let people pirate Minecraft.
  14. Offline


    If you really want the data on how many servers use CraftBukkit, you can download it from http://stats.minecraft.net/#downloads . That'll provide far more accurate information than McStats.
  15. Offline


    If top post is right, then the success of creative servers must be due to PlotMe then? Where's my money??

    Sarcasm aside. I'd like Dinnerbone and the others to actually work on the API like they were supposed to :(
    devilquak and Deleted user like this.
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    Deleted user

    150k people use Essentials... more than half of them are cracked users.
    Meme Here. (open)

    ThunderWaffeMC likes this.
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    Some could be using Bungeecord and need to put their server in offline mode. (Like me!)
  19. Offline


    Same. :)

    The offline ratio & percentages will never be accurate unless it's changed how Bungeecord works.
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