Inactive [MECH] MultiInv V2.4.1 - Per World Inventories [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Pluckerpluck, Feb 17, 2011.

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  1. After 30 minutes with about 10 players, ram usage had shot up to 85% (never gone over 25% before). System has 8GB of ram and i can only conclude that theres a memory leak somewhere.
    CB798 and MultiInv 1.5.2

    Edit: after restarting server and running for almost an hour, 12.5% in use only, i did turn the plugin off ofc. So seems like the culprit but i cant be sure.
  2. Offline


    Oh my god. thank so much! I love it !

    No errors, so easy and very useful
  3. Offline


    I have been testing MultiInv version 2.0.0 it is working perfectly as far as the inventory goes.
    but I am getting a bug where everyone's health is cut in half.
    If I remove the mod every thing is normal, when I put the mod back in health is cut in half.
    It is not creating a error in the log file.
    Below is a list of all the mods I have running on the server.

    Craftbukkit version 766
    MultiInv version 2.0.0
    AutoRepair version 1.92
    Permissions version 2.7.3
    Essentials build 2.1.38
    GravelClay version 1.2.5
    Lockette version 1.3.8
    MinecartManiaCore version 1.2.2
    MultiVerse - Version 1.6.4
    MyWarp 1.10.5c
    Pitfall version 0.5
    SecretDoors v0.2
    TimeShift version 2.0.1
    WorldEdit 4.4
    WorldGuard 5.0-alpha10
    Zeus version 0.8
  4. As an OP(admin) on my own server, I want to be able to bypass this and just have the same inventory in all worlds, is this possible?
  5. Offline


    Author has said that is something they are working on for future releases
  6. Offline


    Hmmmmm I cant seem to get the sharing too work. heres the code:
    world, world2, world3, frost, nether, terrain, flatgrass, nether
    world 4
    That seems right..... right :eek:

    anyway cool plugin maybe u should make it so u can ban commands for certain worlds such as make a legit world no item spawning and u get a new fresh inventory. :D anyway thnx

    -Deren909 [Owner Of Wonder Craft]

    I found out a slight problem with loading the shared file here's the file:​

    Last login: Sun May 22 17:15:32 on ttys000
    Fur-Real-Friends-Deren:~ derenb$ /Users/derenb/Desktop/Bukki†\ Server/start.command ; exit;
    146 recipes
    16 achievements
    17:24:35 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.5_02
    17:24:35 [INFO] Loading properties
    17:24:35 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    17:24:35 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-751-g45fecad-b798jnks (MC: 1.5_02)
    17:24:35 [INFO] Preparing level "Flatgrass"
    17:24:35 [INFO] Preparing start region
    17:24:37 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 77%
    17:24:37 [INFO] While loading ServerAutoStop (plugins/AutoStop.jar) found old-data folder: plugins/AutoStop next to the new one: plugins/ServerAutoStop
    17:24:37 [INFO] LWC    Loading shared objects
    17:24:37 [INFO] LWC    Native library: plugins/LWC/lib/native/Mac/x86_64/libsqlitejdbc.jnilib
    17:24:38 [INFO] [Permissions] (Phoenix) was Initialized.
    17:24:38 [INFO] While loading SupplySign (plugins/supplysign.jar) found old-data folder: plugins/supplysign next to the new one: plugins/SupplySign
    17:24:39 [INFO] [Alpha Chest] loaded 8 chests
    17:24:39 [INFO] [AlphaChest] version [1.6.4] enabled
    17:24:39 [INFO] [AutoMessage] version [1.5] loaded
    17:24:39 [WARNING] [AutoSave] UNKNOWN SERVER VERSION: It has NOT been tested and AutoSave MAY NOT function properly: git-Bukkit-0.0.0-751-g45fecad-b798jnks (MC: 1.5_02)
    17:24:39 [INFO] [AutoSave] Loading config file
    17:24:39 [INFO] [AutoSave] Version 1.3.0 is enabled: ec5e569b-48c9-426a-b8a8-eeb3bb765ed6
    17:24:39 [INFO] AutoStop Enabled. Mac OS X
    17:24:39 [INFO] [AutoStop] Scheduled for shutdown at time(s): 12:00:00
    17:24:39 [INFO] [AZP : 1.2] Enabled! ([Aeolus, Zeus, Poseidon])
    17:24:39 [INFO] [AZP : 1.2] Using Permissions of Permissions
    17:24:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] ------------------------------------
    17:24:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Hello, and thank you for using the TESTING version of BigBrother!
    17:24:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Please note that, since this is far from complete, there will be many bugs.
    17:24:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Please stay tuned in #bigbrother for updates and build notifications.
    17:24:39 [INFO] [BBROTHER] ------------------------------------
    17:24:40 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Building `bbdata` table...
    17:24:40 [SEVERE] [BBROTHER] executeUpdate failed (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bbdata` (`id` INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,`date` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`player` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`action` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`world` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`x` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`y` tinyint UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`z` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`type` smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`data` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',`rbacked` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT '0');CREATE INDEX dateIndex on bbdata (date);CREATE INDEX playerIndex on bbdata (player);CREATE INDEX actionIndex on bbdata (action);CREATE INDEX worldIndex on bbdata (world);CREATE INDEX posIndex on bbdata (x,y,z);CREATE INDEX typeIndex on bbdata (type);CREATE INDEX rbackedIndex on bbdata (rbacked);):
    org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Index "DATEINDEX" already exists; SQL statement:
    CREATE INDEX dateIndex on bbdata (date);CREATE INDEX playerIndex on bbdata (player);CREATE INDEX actionIndex on bbdata (action);CREATE INDEX worldIndex on bbdata (world);CREATE INDEX posIndex on bbdata (x,y,z);CREATE INDEX typeIndex on bbdata (type);CREATE INDEX rbackedIndex on bbdata (rbacked); [42111-153]
        at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(
        at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
        at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
        at org.h2.command.ddl.CreateIndex.update(
        at org.h2.command.CommandContainer.update(
        at org.h2.command.Command.executeUpdate(
        at org.h2.command.CommandList.update(
        at org.h2.command.CommandList.executeRemaining(
        at org.h2.command.CommandList.update(
        at org.h2.command.Command.executeUpdate(
        at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
        at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.datasource.BBDB.executeUpdate(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.tablemgrs.DBTable.createTable(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.tablemgrs.BBDataTable.<init>(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.tablemgrs.BBDataH2.<init>(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.tablemgrs.BBDataTable.getInstance(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.BigBrother.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    17:24:40 [INFO] [BBROTHER] BBData H2 Driver r1 loaded!
    17:24:40 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Building `bbworlds` table...
    17:24:40 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Building `bbusers` table...
    17:24:40 [SEVERE] [BBROTHER] executeUpdate failed (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bbusers` (`id` INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,`name` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Player',`flags` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0');CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idxUsername ON `bbusers` (`name`)):
    org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Index "IDXUSERNAME" already exists; SQL statement:
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bbusers` (`id` INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,`name` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Player',`flags` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0');CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idxUsername ON `bbusers` (`name`) [42111-153]
        at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(
        at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
        at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
        at org.h2.command.ddl.CreateIndex.update(
        at org.h2.command.CommandContainer.update(
        at org.h2.command.CommandList.executeRemaining(
        at org.h2.command.CommandList.update(
        at org.h2.command.Command.executeUpdate(
        at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
        at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.datasource.BBDB.executeUpdate(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.tablemgrs.DBTable.createTable(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.tablemgrs.BBUsersTable.<init>(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.tablemgrs.BBUsersH2.<init>(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.tablemgrs.BBUsersTable.getInstance(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.BBPlayerInfo.<init>(
        at me.taylorkelly.bigbrother.BigBrother.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    17:24:40 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Permissions enabled using: Permissions v2.7.2
    17:24:40 [WARNING] [BBROTHER] 'Help' isn't detected. No /help support
    17:24:40 [INFO] [BBROTHER] BigBrother 1.8-SNAPSHOT (build #443) enabled!
    17:24:40 [INFO] [BlockHead] Found Permissions plugin. Using it.
    17:24:40 [INFO] BlockHead version 0.3.4 by zand is enabled!
    17:24:40 [INFO] Blockremover is now enabled!
    17:24:40 [INFO] Blockremover: Directory already exists
    17:24:40 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate version 2.5.3 is enabled!
    17:24:40 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.7.2] (Phoenix)  loaded
    17:24:41 [INFO] CButD: CraftBukkit is Outdate, try to download new version
    17:25:01 [INFO] CButD: CraftBukkit download new Build, please stop the server and copy /Users/derenb/Desktop/Bukki? Server/bukkit_update/craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to your Main-Folder.
    17:25:01 [INFO] DeathMessagePlugin version 1.7 is enabled with permissions!
    17:25:01 [INFO] Disposal Chest STARTED
    17:25:01 [INFO] Dontkickme Plugin loaded.
    17:25:01 [INFO] DungeonGenerator version 1.0 is enabled with permissions!
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap'...
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap'...
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer'...
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.CaveTileRenderer'...
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap'...
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap'...
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer'...
    17:25:01 [INFO] Dynmap WebServer started on null:8123
    17:25:01 [INFO] [dynmap] version 0.16.1 is enabled
    17:25:01 [INFO] [EasyFlight] version [0.3] is Enabled.
    17:25:01 [INFO] Elevators version 1.4.2 is enabled and linked to Permissions! 3 elevators in world "Flatgrass" loaded.
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loaded Essentials build 2.2.5 maintained by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo and ceulemans.
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsChat build 2.2.5 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo and ceulemans.
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsProtect build 2.2.5 maintained by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo and ceulemans.
    17:25:01 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsSpawn build 2.2.5 maintained by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo and ceulemans.
    17:25:01 [WARNING] [flyRidgeFly] Error while loading admns.txt
    17:25:01 [INFO] flyRidgeFly version 1.6 is enabled!
    17:25:01 [INFO] GlassDrop version 1.1 is enabled with permissions!
    17:25:01 [INFO] [GlowstoneDrop Version 0.2 Enabled]
    17:25:01 [INFO] [iChat] Found Permissions (v2.7.2)
    17:25:01 [INFO] iChat (v2.2.1) enabled
    17:25:01 [SEVERE] Nag author: '<NoAuthorGiven>' of 'iChat' about the following: onPluginEnable has been replaced with a new signature, (PluginEnableEvent)
    17:25:01 [INFO] [InstantArmor] version [1.2] is Enabled.
    17:25:01 [INFO] [LightVote:1.67] Initialised
    17:25:01 [INFO] [LightVote:1.67] Scanning properties file.
    17:25:01 [INFO] [LightVote:1.67] Properties loaded.  Debug messages: false
    17:25:01 [INFO] LWC    Loaded 116 locale strings (0 overrides)
    17:25:02 [INFO] LWC    Using Nijikokun's permissions plugin for permissions
    17:25:02 [INFO] LWC    Loading SQLite
    17:25:02 [INFO] SQLite    Using: Native
    17:25:02 [INFO] LWC    At version: v2.31
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] MagicCarpet version 1.5.5 is enabled!
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Take yourself wonder by wonder, using /magiccarpet or /mc.
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Using Permissions.
    17:25:02 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] Debug mode switched to NORMAL
    17:25:02 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaCore version 1.1.9 is enabled!
    17:25:02 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaSignCommands version 1.1.3 is enabled!
    17:25:02 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaStation version 1.1.0 is enabled!
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains major non-existant world world
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MultiInv] Failed to load shared worlds
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MultiInv] Plugin on standby until new world found.
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MultiInv] version 1.5.2 is enabled!
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Permissions Found
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MultiVerse] - Version 1.6.3 Enabled
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading World & Settings - 'Flatgrass' - NORMAL
    17:25:02 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading World & Settings - 'Terrain' - NORMAL
    17:25:03 [INFO] 0 elevators in world "Terrain" loaded.
    17:25:03 [INFO] [MultiInv] Detected Terrain. Reloading shares.txt
    17:25:03 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains major non-existant world world
    17:25:03 [INFO] [MultiInv] Failed to load shared worlds.
    17:25:03 [INFO] [MultiInv] Plugin on standby until new world found.
    17:25:03 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading World & Settings - 'world2' - NORMAL
    17:25:03 [INFO] 0 elevators in world "world2" loaded.
    17:25:03 [INFO] [MultiInv] Detected world2. Reloading shares.txt
    17:25:03 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains major non-existant world world
    17:25:03 [INFO] [MultiInv] Failed to load shared worlds.
    17:25:03 [INFO] [MultiInv] Plugin on standby until new world found.
    17:25:03 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading World & Settings - 'world' - NORMAL
    17:25:04 [INFO] 0 elevators in world "world" loaded.
    17:25:04 [INFO] Activated world 'world' in Dynmap.
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] Detected world. Reloading shares.txt
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world world3
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world frost
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains major non-existant world world 4
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] Failed to load shared worlds.
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] Plugin on standby until new world found.
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading World & Settings - 'world3' - NORMAL
    17:25:04 [INFO] 0 elevators in world "world3" loaded.
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] Detected world3. Reloading shares.txt
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world frost
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains major non-existant world world 4
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] Failed to load shared worlds.
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiInv] Plugin on standby until new world found.
    17:25:04 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading World & Settings - 'world4' - NORMAL
    17:25:05 [INFO] 0 elevators in world "world4" loaded.
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] Detected world4. Reloading shares.txt
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world frost
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains major non-existant world world 4
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] Failed to load shared worlds.
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] Plugin on standby until new world found.
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading World & Settings - 'frost' - NORMAL
    17:25:05 [INFO] 0 elevators in world "frost" loaded.
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] Detected frost. Reloading shares.txt
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains major non-existant world world 4
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] Failed to load shared worlds.
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiInv] Plugin on standby until new world found.
    17:25:05 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading World & Settings - 'netha' - NETHER
    17:25:06 [INFO] 0 elevators in world "netha" loaded.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [MultiInv] Detected netha. Reloading shares.txt
    17:25:06 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    17:25:06 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    17:25:06 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains major non-existant world world 4
    17:25:06 [INFO] [MultiInv] Failed to load shared worlds.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [MultiInv] Plugin on standby until new world found.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [MultiVerse] 8 - World(s) loaded.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading Portals
    17:25:06 [INFO] [MultiVerse] 14 - Portal(s) loaded.
    17:25:06 [INFO] mxImgImport loaded
    17:25:06 [INFO] NoWeather version 1.3 is enabled!
    17:25:06 [INFO] [obuShutTheHellUp version 0.1] Enabled!
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] Group Default does not have a rank defined.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] Group Builder does not have a rank defined.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] Group Moderator does not have a rank defined.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] Group Admins does not have a rank defined.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] Group Niceguy does not have a rank defined.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] Group Owner does not have a rank defined.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] Group Donator does not have a rank defined.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] Group Poobah does not have a rank defined.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] Group Andy does not have a rank defined.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are disabled.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [P2] version 2.1.1 has been enabled.
    17:25:06 [INFO] PortalGun version 1.3 is enabled!
    17:25:06 [INFO] [PorteCoulissante] plugin version 1.2.1 by Captain_Chaos enabled
    17:25:06 [INFO] [Reporter] v1.0 - Permissions support enabled.
    17:25:06 [INFO] [Reporter] v1.0 - Initialising SQL tables...
    17:25:06 [INFO] [Reporter] v1.0 - Reporter enabled.
    17:25:06 [INFO] SignLift - Copyright 2011 - Shannon Wynter (
    17:25:06 [INFO] SignLift version 0.7 is enabled :)
    17:25:06 [INFO] [Stopper] Stopper v1.0 is Enabled! With Permissions(v2.7.2)
    17:25:06 [INFO] [StruckDown] Initializing StruckDown 1.5
    17:25:07 [INFO] [StruckDown] Hooked into Permissions version 2.7.2.
    17:25:07 [INFO] [StruckDown] Initialized.
    17:25:07 [INFO] SupplySign loaded 2 config parameters from config.yml.
    17:25:07 [INFO] SupplySign loaded 1091 items from items.csv.
    17:25:07 [INFO] SupplySign loaded 13 kits from kits.yml.
    17:25:07 [INFO] SupplySign version 1.3 is enabled!
    17:25:07 [INFO] VoxelDoop version 1.7 is enabled!
    17:25:07 [INFO] Warpz0r version 1.2.2 is enabled
    17:25:07 [INFO] [Warpz0r] Found Permissions (v2.7.2)
    17:25:07 [INFO] [WeatherGod] Permission system detected.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WeatherGod version 0.3 is enabled!
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.3 enabled.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Flatgrass) Single session is enforced.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Flatgrass) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Flatgrass) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Flatgrass) Lava fire is blocked.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Flatgrass) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'Flatgrass"
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Terrain) Single session is enforced.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Terrain) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Terrain) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Terrain) Lava fire is blocked.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Terrain) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'Terrain"
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world2) Single session is enforced.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world2) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world2) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world2) Lava fire is blocked.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world2) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'world2"
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Single session is enforced.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Lava fire is blocked.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'world"
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world3) Single session is enforced.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world3) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world3) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world3) Lava fire is blocked.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world3) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'world3"
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world4) Single session is enforced.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world4) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world4) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world4) Lava fire is blocked.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world4) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'world4"
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (frost) Single session is enforced.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (frost) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (frost) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (frost) Lava fire is blocked.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (frost) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'frost"
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (netha) Single session is enforced.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (netha) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (netha) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (netha) Lava fire is blocked.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: (netha) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'netha"
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: 10 regions loaded for 'Flatgrass'
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: 3 regions loaded for 'Terrain'
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: 0 regions loaded for 'world2'
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: 0 regions loaded for 'world'
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: 0 regions loaded for 'world3'
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: 0 regions loaded for 'world4'
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: 0 regions loaded for 'frost'
    17:25:07 [INFO] WorldGuard: 0 regions loaded for 'netha'
    17:25:08 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.0-alpha10 enabled.
    17:25:08 [INFO] XSigns info: 1 XSigns loaded
    17:25:08 [INFO] XSigns version 0.7 is enabled!
    17:25:08 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] Permissions detected. Using permissions.
    17:25:08 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaAdminControls version 1.1.4 is enabled!
    17:25:08 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaAutocart version 1.1.3 is enabled!
    17:25:08 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaAutomations version 1.1.2 is enabled!
    17:25:08 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaChestControl version 1.1.3 is enabled!
    17:25:08 [INFO] Done (3.220s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    17:25:08 [INFO] / lost connection
    17:25:11 [INFO] The automatic update-Check only work every 6 hours, the last check was 31 minutes ago.
    17:25:13 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Cleaned out 226 records because of age in 0h00m01s.
    17:25:16 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] Loading Sensor Data.
    that may be a problem idk but im using b798​
    hope this helped an thnx​
  7. Offline


    Some people have fixed similar problems with Multiverse by renaming multiverse to something like amultivers so that it would load sooner. I can't seem to locate the posts right now, but I'm pretty sure that has helped some people.
  8. Offline

    Rich Boos

    Whenever someone dies they get kicked upon restart and can never login again unless i delete their .dat file from my main world. Using 1.5.2

    2011-05-23 23:25:55 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_RESPAWN to MultiInv
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.d(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet9Respawn.a(SourceFile:10)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    2011-05-23 23:25:55 [WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.d(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet9Respawn.a(SourceFile:10)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  9. Offline


    one of my player's clients crashed and every time he joins, he has 2000 blocks, his inventory is full of 64 stacked items.

    [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_QUIT to MultiInv
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.disconnect(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    2011-05-25 00:02:30

    That might help.
  10. Offline


    Can the converter be expanded to take inventories from the classic dat format also but without the location data?

    I got this error on 2.0 build 766 permissions 3 as I'm redoing my plugins on our production system to fix some stuff.

    Looking at it seems its because I have no permissions in as I'm yet to set that plugin up.

    18:35:12 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_JOIN to MultiInv
            at java.util.ArrayDeque.addFirst(
            at java.util.ArrayDeque.push(
            at com.nijiko.permissions.Entry.getAllPermissions(
            at com.nijiko.permissions.Entry.getAllPermissions(
            at com.nijiko.permissions.Entry.hasPermission(
            at com.nijiko.permissions.ModularControl.permission(
            at com.nijiko.permissions.ModularControl.permission(
            at com.nijiko.permissions.ModularControl.has(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:87)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  11. Offline


    please update this for the more recent builds of CB, it's rather crucial to my server and I would love to use it with 1.6. Thanks for a great plugin btw, it saves me alot of cheat checking.
  12. Offline


    I'm on RB766 and I just installed the 2.0 beta

    I get half health every time i teleport whether it be with a compass or warps.
    Edit* only warps within a world. warping to another world is fine but i have my same inventory, probably need to set up the config

    There aren't any errors but I hope that helps :/
  13. Offline


    will you be updating to fit one of the current builds? I depend on this plugin so hopefully you will. I have yet to find a better one that does the same things.
  14. Sorry guys... I've been quite busy with my PC dying on me and forcing me to re-install the operating system (Vista) . Even now it's still finding updates constantly on every restart.

    And there's no reason this shouldn't work on other builds ... argh ... if only I had a laptop. I am going to be VERY busy soon with exams and then after those I'll be heading of to Tanzania for three weeks. But I'm going to try and get 2.0 working without any problems before all that.

    Also, I'm re-arranging the home page original post. There's no reason the old version shouldn't still work... though it seems to have some problem with shares...

    That edit is so very useful... thank you.

    And I'm guessing the keeping inventories thing is because of how i added the permission "MultiInv.state.ignore" to give to admins... and then forgot that people testing probably have "*" as an option... or some admins want seperate inventories.

    Question: can permissions do negative permissions yet? I haven't kept up to date with it.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  15. Offline


    V3 can do extra permissions on multiworld and negatives ones.

    I'm like the only person I think who is playing with a advanced setup with 6 worlds with there own extra permissions from a base set and 1 users group etc

    I'm getting soo many errors its ridiculous and letting the author know every one of them as I really want this setup.

    Once I have it done I can let you know some info if you want.
  16. Download the link that says "Latest Jar File" or something like that. I think you have an old version..
  17. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    Hi Pluckerpluck, I really like your plugin, perhaps you can ask for a helpful developer to help you out during your busy time. We really need it as we have a creative world and a survival world and I don't want to have people take all the stuff from the creative world down to the survival world.
  18. Offline


    I did that, but I'll update it again just to be sure.
  19. Offline


    Ouch. Vista is a pain when it's working "right". You should try upgrading to 7 before you get too at home with your new install!

    Back to business, though. =/

    I'm on the experimental build 815 right now (1.6.4) and while there could be any number of problems outside your plugin causing this... well... MultiInv doesn't seem to be working. My inventory is remaining as I move between the worlds either via Wormhole X-Treme or WorldWarp.

    If this will persist in the recommended build is anyone's guess, but thought I'd give a head's up. The problem with the awesomeness of this plugin is that it's very easy to grow very dependent on it working right.

    That said.. upgrading to the new build had another nasty side-effect. I had logged out in "World 2" but when I first connected to 1.6.4/815 I was at the same coordinates in World 1. Since then my "World 2" inventory was lost altogether. =/ Maybe not something you can fix, but something people should know might happen.
  20. Offline


    is this compatable with backpack?
  21. Offline


    I tested the keeping inventories problem with a guy that didn't have the ignore permission, and he brought his inventory with him to another world. Although I think he lost it when he came BACK to the world he left...I can't remember exactly though.

    I do know that I was running a spheres world at the same time, so that may have clashed.

    I haven't seen anything on negative permissions, probably because they are busy upgrading and making sure the basics work first. Although I do believe (I think this worked on group manager) adding "- -permission.test" would remove "permission.test" from the list of permissions in a given group if they had "- permissions.*" in there.

    Hope that makes sense/helps any because it's 3am >L<
  22. An update for the latest RB would be greatly appreciated :)
  23. Offline


    New RB is up. Hope to see this on the list of updates. Love the plugins :D.
  24. Offline


    Confirming that my inventory is remaining the same as I move between worlds, either via Wormhole X-Treme or WorldWarp. Hopefully an easy fix... :confused:
  25. Offline


    I'm hoping running this plugin while it was borked didn't screw up inventories....I do have a backup from before the update, though.
  26. Offline


    Can you please update it to 818, that would be nice
    I tested it and it does just nothing, no error but you got the same inventory
  27. Offline


    I have a normal world with tons of plugins and world with no permissions (thus no plugins) for a purely survival world. I'm curious if (when the plugin is updates) I could put something like this in the config

    So that both worlds have nether access, but the inventories for the two normal worlds are separated? I realize that the players could just setup a chest in the nether and move things across that way, but I trust the players who have access to the survival world to not do that. Just wanted to know if that would work or if it would break because of same world showing up with both inventories. I don't want to have to make 2 nethers just because I run two normal worlds...
  28. Offline


    i got this:
    Show Spoiler

    I've bukkit 818
  29. Offline


    Is nether the actual world name you're using for that world? Minecraft creates the nether under the name world_nether, so if you're not using an external world generator you might need to change the name in the .txt file.
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