[MECH]LoftJump v1.3 - Cushion your fall with feathers (or anything else)! [670-766]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by KoryuObihiro, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. Offline


    LoftJump: reduce your fall damage by consuming feathers (or anything else!)
    Version 1.3 [RB 766]

    Source code at Github​

    The premise of this plugin is simple: nobody likes taking accidentally taking a plunge and dying. Worse yet, nobody likes succumbing to the cumulative blows that small falls inflict upon their person. The solution? Reduce this damage by sacrificing feathers instead of life! Landing from a fall with feather(s) in your hand while LJ is active will consume feathers instead of hearts upon landing.​

    If you don't like just sticking with the defaults, you can customize any of these with the plugin's included config.yml:
    Example config file: (open)

    # Example LoftJump configuration:
    # world:
    # holdMaterial_use: false #when false, don't use the held-item requirement specified next
    # holdMaterial: 288 #required item to be held to use LoftJump upon taking damage
    # consumeMaterial: 288 #this is the item ID for the feather (hope to change this so item names work soon)
    # cost: 1 #item consume amount per half-heart of damage
    # use_onByDefault: true #when true, turn on LoftJump for players with Permission when they log into the server
    # free_onByDefault: false #similar to use_onByDefault, except toggles item consumption to be off for players with permission upon login
    # anotherworld:
    # #### Similar to above.
    # Item IDs can be found here:
    # http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values

    holdMaterial_use: false
    holdMaterial: 288
    consumeMaterial: 288
    cost: 1
    use_onByDefault: true
    free_onByDefault: false

    /loftjump (alias /lj)
    /loftjump toggle [player] (alias /lj t) - toggle a player's use
    /loftjump free [player] (alias /lj f) - toggle item consumption on a player
    /loftjump check [world] (alias /lj c) - checks the LoftJump configuration of the world the user specifies
    /loftjump reload - reloads LoftJump's file configuration

    Permissions nodes: (open)

    loftjump.use - rather obvious, innit?
    loftjump.free - allows complete resistance to fall damage (provided you have your feather out!)
    loftjump.free.others - allows toggling of "free" on other players
    loftjump.toggle - allows personal toggling of LJ
    loftjump.toggle.others - allows toggling of others' use of LJ
    loftjump.check - allows the use of the "check" command
    loftjump.check.others - allows the player to check worlds they are not currently in
    loftjump.reload - allows the player to reload the file configuration while the server is running
    (If Permissions plugin is not found, these default to isOp())

    • Item whitelisting for hold-materials?
    • Add differing formulae for calculating cost? (i.e., a flat rate, exponential increase, etc.)
    Changelog: (open)

    (4/26/2011) Version 1.3 [733-766] (current)
    • Added some world configuration handling that will hopefully works when plugins like MultiVerse are outdated (remember to keep 'em updated!)
    (4/17/2011) Version 1.2 [670-733]

    • Added file configuration (with multiworld!) and "reload" command. :D Now you really can use LoftJump with anything!
    • Added "check" command, which lets you view settings ingame and with the console
    • updated Permissions nodes
    (4/15/2011) Version 1.1.1[670-677]

    • Added console-friendliness for toggling LJ cost/usage on specific players
    (4/12/2011) Version 1.1 [670-677]

    • Added toggling for item consumption ingame to make this plugin more friendly for servers that do not use Permissions - see command reference
    (4/11/2011) Version 1.0 [670-677]

    • Released

    Loftjump archive can be found here.

    PLEASE NOTE: I do not support old releases on this thread. If you want support for an older build of Bukkit or Loftjump, PM me.
    Noppoly likes this.
  2. Offline


    Hmmm...guess I should recompile this soon. :p I'll be on it when I get home.

    ...as soon as I reinstall all my corrupt partitions on my lappy... :<
  3. Offline


    How did that go? XD
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Indeed there are. Tonight and tomorrow are going to be spent relaxing, recuperating from my job, and coding, in that order. I'm going to be taking LJ a whole new direction - still rough, but something I think the community will enjoy.
  6. Offline


    Great looking forward to it :)
  7. Offline


    this is now inactive, please update to latest rb and tag me if you wish to revive

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