Inactive [MECH/ECON] Showcase v0.8.1 - Create visual shops by spawning drops on slabs [1.1-R5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by narrowtux, May 17, 2011.

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    Version 0.8.1​
    As supposed in this thread, I created a plugin that lets you put items into glass blocks (now steps, it's notchs fault) to showcase them. This is useable for shops, to show what's for sale there, or to make clear what type of farm you built.
    • Showcase all items in a half-step Block
    • Block protection (you can't break the step block and the block below it to prevent that the item falls down)
    • Multiworld
    • Items in a showcase can't be picked up
    • Only the player who created a showcase can remove it
    • Prevents despawning of items (Normally, drops disappear after 5 minutes)
    • You can setup finite and infinite shops
    • DropChest support (disables DropChest for absorbing the showcased items)
    • WorldGuard support (works out of the box)
    • Localisation
    • Can show custom item names through BukkitContrib
    • Economy support:
      • iConomy 4 & 5
      • BOSEconomy
      • Essentials Economy
    Download & Source-Code
    Download Showcase.jar
    Browse Source-Code on Github
    You will need an economy system if you want shops.
    This will install NarrowtuxLib automatically!
    Please donate, if you really like this ;)
    Show Videos (open)

    When you have got issues, please read this:
    Issue Report (open)

    1. Please, first check if you have got the most recent version of Showcase and the most recent recommended build of Bukkit.
    2. Then, check if the bug is already listed in the "Known Bugs" section.
    3. After doing step 1+2, report the bug with at least this information:
      • Version of Showcase
      • Version of Bukkit
      • If possible, a step-by-step explanation of the bug
      • If possible, console errors
      • When you think that this has got to do with another plugin, please list all your plugins like this:
        • PluginA, PluginB, PluginC ...
    This will be incredible helpful for me to fix it faster.

    You don't actually have to retype everything I typed here, but if you'd take it as a guideline which content you should include in your issue report, it's more helpful ;)

    Please, don't come here just to say "This doesn't work.". This says nothing.

    Adding a showcase
    1. Start sneaking!
    2. Right-click a half-step block with the item in your hand you want to showcase
    3. An assistant will ask you which type of Showcase you want to add. Type the text before the colon :))
    4. Depending on the type you chose, the assistant will ask some extra questions, follow the assistant to finish showcase creation.
    Removing a showcase

    1. Sneak
    2. Right-click on a showcase. If this was a finite showcase or an exchange showcase, you will get your items back.

    ActionPermission-NodeWithout Permissions
    Create a basic Showcase.showcase.basicPlayer
    Create a infinite shop Showcase.showcase.infiniteOperator
    Create a finite shop Showcase.showcase.finitePlayer
    Create an exchange Showcase.showcase.exchangePlayer
    Buy from a finite shop
    Buy from an infinite shop
    Removing a showcase of other players.showcase.adminOperator

    The column "Without Permissions" explains which user-type can use this permission when no Permissions system is installed.
    What are shop showcases?
    A shop showcase can be used to sell items to your players. There are 2 types of shops now:
    1. Infinite shop. This one has an infinite amount of items. The money that the players give to buy an item will go to nirvana
    2. Finite shop. This one has that number of items which the owner has set up. The owner will get the money from which the items were bought.
    How can a Player buy items from a shop showcase?

    1. Click on the Showcase. The price per item and the available amount will be displayed.
    2. Type in the number of items you want and hit enter. A message will show you the success of the checkout.
      • Type 0 to abort checkout
    How can you refill a finite shop showcase?

    1. Click on it
    2. Type in the amount of items to refill. Negative values will remove that amount from the showcase.
    3. Walk away or type 0.

    The showcase command handles manual saving and loading
    /showcase save
    Saves the items to showcases.csv
    /showcase load
    Loads the configuration, translation and items without saving (Use with caution)
    /showcase reload
    Saves and loads everything after that. Useful when some items aren't in place and you want to quick-fix that.

    The configuration file is auto-generated and is called showcase.cfg
    Here are the configuration possibilities:
    • basicmode : this decides if the plugin should operate like in version 0.2 or before (Just the basics)
    • priceforbasic : this adds a price to the basic showcases
    • priceforfinite : this adds a price to the finite showcases
    • priceforexchange: this adds a price to the exchange showcases
    • removewhenempty: when set to true, a finite showcase will be removed when it's amount hits 0
    • showcaseprotection : turn this to false to be able to remove showcases from other players (griefers) (you should now use WorldGuard instead of this one ;) )
    • locale: standard is en-US. The german translation which is included in the jar-file is de-DE. If you type that in, it will copy the german file from the jar to your plugins folder
      • You can change the translation very easily by editing the existing locale.
      • Colors are supported, just add something like [GREEN] or [DARK_RED] to the text.
      • You can add newlines with \n
    • autosaveinterval: the time between two auto-saves in seconds. Standard is 60 secs. Use -1 to disable autosave.

    Currently available translations:

    Version 0.8.1
    See the whole changelog

    • Spawn multiple items in the same glass block (up to 4, would be aligned nicely)
    • Verify that there is no free space below the glass block before adding a showcase
    • Maybe let the showcase glow when you placed torches, glowstone or lava in it
    • Custom messages (aka localisation)
    • Sell-Showcases
    • DropChest support (so the items inside the glass won't be absorbed by a Dropchest)
    • Limit the amount of Showcases per player
    • Add a price that the creator of a showcase has to pay (there would be an independent price for each basic, infinite and finite showcases)
    • Linking infinite shops to banks (money spent for items goes there)
    • Rent a showcase for money/day
    • Autosave with configureable interval
    • Commands for save, load and reload
    Crossed items are already done!

    Known bugs
    • This plugin conflicts with some chat-altering plugins (i.e. bColoredChat) this is because the authors don't know how to correctly set up the priority of events.
    • Normal players (the ones that aren't operators) can't use showcases that are in the spawn-protection area. Either disable the spawn protection or place the showcases to an other location (Disable spawnprotection by setting "spawn-protection-size=0" in the file)
    • With the latest dev preview (not the recommended build), you're able to make slabs to double steps. I've got to investigate until they propose it as RB.
    • ATM, Showcases won't save enchantments. So please just don't try to sell yours because that wouldn't work either.
  2. Offline


    There are also other economy systems like BOSEconomy or Essentials Economy. You can also setup Permissions to allow everything to everyone...

    Yeah, sorry, there were so many when I got back :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  3. Offline


    Yes, BOS supports OP only so thats a choice. Im not sure on the others since I didnt help making those! :p

    While you may not be an idiot, you have obviously done something wrong.... what that is, good luck finding out. Start from scratch.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    Release v0.3.8
    • Fixed Item duping when leaving a chunk
    m5k likes this.
  5. Offline


    Now I can finally use this plugin :)

    Now that I can use it, i may report a minor bug. After 5 minutes the items stop floating and glitch, moving up/down by 1 pixel really fast. Relogging fixes this. Don't know if this is even fixable/worth fixing.
  6. Offline


    if u stand agest the glass it "drops the item" and dupes
  7. Offline


    But you aren't able to pickup??
  8. Offline


    the item disapears after some time?
  9. Offline


    You are a god, And I agree with this quote

    "Great, thanks. This is the shop plugin our server will be using. I wanted something extremely simple and this is perfect. No item ids, commands, or signs. Love this plugin."

    Can't wait for the Planned todo's to be added Im installing as soon as I get home... Nevermind remoting to my server and installing now!

    <-- Member Since TODAY! yeh I made a forum account just so I could post this. Been using bukkit for 2-3 months now.
  10. Verry nice !

    Is it possible to add items on stairs or slabs ? shelves-like :}
  11. Offline


    no i can can pick them up made 1 torch in to 4 stacks with it lol
  12. Offline


    Thanks for all the appreciation, I appreciate it :D

    For the dupe-bug: I'll have to investigate.
  13. Offline


    unfortunately :(

    EDIT: And the items don't bounce and rotate softly anymore instead they're ugly jittering on the ground and for example "snow" isn't seen anymore

    bukkit 766
    Showcase 0.3.8
  14. Offline


    that's true :(
  15. Offline


    Thanks for the quick update, after implanting the shop system I was thinking about what you can improve and here is my idea:

    The auction house
    1. Auctions will be created by hitting the showcase and typing a simple command.
    2. Auctions will last for configurable amount of time.
    3. No refunds - After bidding you will never recieve you cash back.
    4. Auction showcase may be connected to buttons for easy use.
    5. After hitting the button the bidding menu will be displayed in the chat.

    Here is the info the players will get by pressing the button :
    Welcome to <P. name>'s auction, The offered item is <item name>.
    The highest bid is <amount of money> by <Highest bidder name>, <time> Left.

    That's it, I would like to hear (or read in this case) you opinion.
    Thanks for paying attention to my suggestions and have a nice day =)
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    hi i dont know what is wrong when i right click the glass it says to type infinite basic or finite so i type (basic) and it says invalid answer aborting whats wrong?
  18. Offline


    For the second time, just type basic :)
  19. Offline


    I like the Auction house Idea, however I dont like the idea of letting people know what the Current Higest bid is unless its "their bid" a simple Message like "The bid is not High enough" or "Thank you but there is currently a Higher bid" would be better Other wise you get people Penny bidding constantly to out do each other instead of "oh its not high enough what if I add 5/10/15 more dollars.
    P.S. Substitute Pennies/Dollars with your currency of chioce :)
  20. Dupe issue still there.

    Why not simply consume the item you put in? Simple and logical.
  21. Offline


    So...I figured out how to kill one of these indestructible glass blocks :) Playing around on my test server I have neo-meteorites installed. Low and behold when I spawned a meteorite right on top of me, standing next to a few of these blocks. It's a bit odd what happens after it's death though, the glass is destroyed, but the item that is within it spews out of where the glass used to be. The items it drops is the one set inside, but they are fake items so now I have a showering of fake goldbars, cakes, leatherpants, web and various other items all coming from the sky, lol.
  22. Offline


    What about simply right clicking it again? :D
  23. Offline


    narrow, I think you should just clarify #3 in the directions in the original post. It vaguely sounds like you're supposed to type parenthesis themselves and it doesn't mention at all the things you're actually supposed to type in. I was going to suggest that last night but after seeing others suffer my same confusion I will suggest it now :)

    I see the plugin now stops me from trying to put something in a display that's on top of sandstone. I thought you meant you would code in a fix to allow it. Sorry, is there nothing that can be done to make that placement possible? :/

    I just installed the latest version. I'll play with it some tonight and let you know if I have any more ideas/trouble. Thanks :)
  24. Offline


    Nothing happens, air blocks don't register clicks, but...I was able to replace the shops with dirt blocks, allowing me to now buy goldbars from a dirt block, >.<
  25. Offline


    OH. LOL, I did have an idea while waiting to fall asleep last night in bed...

    Jewelry store. Many diamonds inside glass. A player on your server breaks the glass to steal it and a server-wide alarm (message) goes out. At the same time, the player is instantly transported to the jail (there's a bukkit jail mod somewhere around here).

    Anyway, I'm not sure that's practical to make happen but I found it amusing so I thought I'd share :)
  26. Offline


    sometimes they're badly flickering, too!


    keep up the good work, have fun & enjoy ur day!
  27. Offline


    Will you be implementing selling to a Showcase block as well?
  28. Offline


    That's on the todo.

    Soo many ideas, but have to fix the ugly bugs first :D
  29. Offline


    how do you remove infinate store blocks?
  30. Offline


    Is there a way to just use a textfile with like Parrothead = 100 to indicate the person's current money to spend that I can manually change? I can't really support many more plugins.
  31. Offline


    :) Awesome keep up the good work bud, going into my server
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