Inactive [MECH] CrowdControl v0.0.3 - The creature control plugin [1.1R3]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by WinSock, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CrowdControl - The creature control plugin.
    Version 0.0.3

    New Rewrite is out! Get it at:
    Temp Download Link Below

    Yes it's back, the two plugins MobControl and CrowdControl have been merged now and I present to you on the behalf of the elBukkit team the new and improved CrowdControl! Features are still being added from both of the old plugins but i have decided that enough basic functionality is here to release it to the general public!

    If you're not familiar with JSON i recommend this online editor:





    Full Changelog
    11RJB and NathanWolf like this.
  2. Offline


    No, that's not it. I set the creature limit to 500 for Zombies (the rest are set to 0) and only 500 zombies spawn (when I type /butcher it says about 500 monsters are killed) so It's something else I think.

    Edit: And the lag persists after the monsters are spawned.
  3. Offline


    Good news huge bug fix that fixes your error! I should remember to add the individual CreatureHandlers to the Map of World to CreatureHandler :p

    Released v 0.24.01!
  4. Offline


    You're the best. I'll give it a try right now

    OK - lag seems to be completley fixed, however, I can't get zombies to spawn again o.o. They kind of spawned a few at a time but now have completley stopped. I tried editing the SpawnLightRule but it appears to be using the "max" value for both "min and max" (for example I set it to 15,0 so it zombies can spawn at light 15 and 0, but when I use getDetailedInfo for the rule it shows as 15,15.


    While the getDetailedInfo problem is still there, you can call me an idiot as I've confused files and the no spawning was actually my fault.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  5. Offline


    ... Wow i made a bad error, delete that rule and remake it with version 0.24.02

    Version 0.24.02 released
  6. Offline


    Ahaha thanks. I'm sure you're sick of me but I really appreciate your help.
  7. Offline


    Not at all, its better that i find these errors before my user-base goes up and i get spammed by 500 different people :p
  8. Offline


    OH! One more problem. I'm not sure why, but I have zombies set to maxrule 2000 and maxperworld set to 2000 - I'm only getting about 150 zombies spawn. I think that it may be related to "SpawnChance" in set - could you elaborate on that number? Currently set to 50 (thinking 50% chance) but if that's the problem then I can just edit it.

    Or is it a problem with Bukkit only spawning so many because I'm the only one on the server atm?

    Also I've noticed after I /butcher once or twice, the monsters never respawn again..

    Potential problem?

    Edit: actaully, there was a java error when i used /crowd set with the wrong variables, that seems to be the reason that the server wouldn't spawn any more zombies. hope that helps.

    Edit2: Just when I thought that there were no problems, I'm getting a hell of a lot of lag after restarting server. Probably 5-6 seconds of delay. Is this to be expected while the world populates? And when I stop lagging, a lot of the zombies despawn. There must have beeen about a hundred, then after this happened I did /butcher and there were 19 killed.
  9. Offline


    Actually both reasons are right :) But the spawn chance is drastically reduced because MaxRule isn't ment to be used to control if you want a mob enabled or not, I'm creating a better way to Enable/Disable mob's right now. It will be in the next major version, but you could always download the dev version that includes it when i finish making it :)
  10. Offline


    Ohh I see that would be great. Perhaps you could set them all to disabled to start to prevent the problem of all the monsters spawning (giants, ghasts, etc) and having to edit it all. That way it'll be a lot easier for people to enable specific mobs with the new command and their server won't be overrun by all the crazy stuff!

    Also I just updated my post again to explain another issue, I don't know if it's related to what you've said but it seems pretty weird. No Java error this time but no monsters eithers.
  11. Offline


    Weird i cannot reproduce any lag after joining right after a restart or issuing "reload"
  12. Offline


    Perhaps it was just because I've set the limit for mobs so high or a specific change with my database or config then - either way, as soon as the dev build for disabling mobs is out I will let you know of any more problems :)
  13. Offline


    You can try this, There may be client side lag from the massive number of mobs but i have no server side lag. I.E you can run commands in real time on the server but there is lag sending commands from a client to the server. You have to delete your db file, the enabled option had to be added. Control/33/com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.crowd$CrowdControl/

    Edit: No lag after 1000 zombies
    4GB of ram 4.2ghz oced i5 750(4 core)
  14. Offline


    Ahaha, what's the command to enable/disable? And I assume everything is disabled by default as nothing is spawning ;)
  15. Offline


    oh, yea
    Dev Build 33 set command:
    crowd set [CreatureType] [World] [Passive,Aggressive,Neutral] [Passive,Aggressive,Neutral] [TouchDmg] [MiscDmg] [true,false] [Health] [Target Distance] [SpawnChance] [Enabled]
  16. Offline


    OK, great.

    I started server, logged in, set MaxRule for Zombies to 1000. I then ran the set command. "crowd set ZOMBIE world Aggressive Aggressive 1 0 false 10 20 50 true"

    A huge amount of zombies spawned. I got a lot of lag (flying around above zombies - they would go to where I was previously). CPU usage on the server around 25%. While I was lagging, I obviously died. I pressed respawn, after about 10 seconds it ported me to spawn, there were no zombies. I waited about 30 seconds, nothing happened, so I ran /butcher - it killed only 44 zombies and none are currently spawning.

    You should be able to recreate this using my method. Fresh Database also.

    Thanks for the continued help!

    Edit: Stopped server using 'stop' command. Started it back up, went in game - no zombies. Not really sure what's happening. Any more info I can give you please ask!

    If I had to hazard a guess, when they despawn they're not being removed from your 'count' or whatever you use, but then again that wouldn't cause the same problem after a server boot.. I'll just wait to hear back from you :)
  17. Offline


    I cannot reproduce the weird removal of zombies but the lag is only client side, and i was able to gradually build up to 1000 zombies without lag if i set MaxRule to 100 then 200 then 300 and so on. i'm going to make a monitor task that will check for stray LivingEntities to see if that fixes it.
  18. Offline


    Please note that there are _ZERO_ zombies spawning at the moment. And I'm using an Xray pack to check underground and /butcher is saying 0 monsters killed.

    I understand that when spawning 1000 zombies there will be lag though, but that's not the problem :p
  19. Offline


    Yea i see the error :) i'm fixing it hopefully right now :p
  20. Offline


    Weirdly after running the set command again I now have zombies back - will ride out this lag and see what happens when I die after it stops.
  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    Thanks. I'm getting a hell of a lot of lag, though. I know it's client side (I can see on the server immediately after I type in game what I said) but on the client it takes like 3 minutes. I put the MaxRate for zombies down to 500 and the maxPerWorld up to 1000 and it's really hard to actaully test.

    I don't know what can even be done about this, it's spawning 500 zombies just fine, but then the client just can't handle it, while the server works fine. Or perhaps it's something I'm doing wrong? :/

    Edit: Maybe the traditional minecraft way of spawning monsters here would be useful, so when you log on, they gradually keep spawning. But I think that 500 is just too much to be near one player. So could have MaxPerPlayer or something along those lines?

    Just brainstorming - you probably have a better way!

    Edit2: maybe I am setting the spawn chance wrong which is why it's flooding me with monsters. What are good values for this?
  23. Offline


    its just inefficent networking code that notch has if i had to guess. I have found that notch has set in his code a max of 4 mobs per chunk so i will try that and see what happens.
  24. Offline


    Just gotta chance to sit down and try this now. Is there a way we can just edit the database? At the moment for default everything is spawning. Which is well ok is some way but the ghasts on my server are kind of more powerful than I would like(leaving huge craters the size of a house) so I'm just cowering in my house trying to make them only spawn at night with a low chance.

    So, I figure the set command be the one to use and all I got was a internal error or something, then I heard something explode. On the wiki could you put examples of what information to put where and what is optional data to be entered?
    The one for the /crowd set at least.

    set [CreatureType] [World] [Creature Nature Day] [Creature Nature Night] [TouchDmg] [MiscDmg] [true,false] [Health] [Target Distance] [SpawnChance]
    I look at this line of code and I'm like...I just want to set it so it spawns at night. So I figure I have to enter for that field creature nature night. And what is the true or false field for?

    Edit: House was completely blown up as I was typing this lol.

    Also server lag after a while if you don't kill them all.
  25. Offline


    hi Bill, read the last page or so and check out the updates. Then update yours. The commands are still a little long winded but it works quite well now (provided you aren't trying to force 500 zombies ;))

    Oh, and the command you want is
    /crowd add SpawnLightRule
    /crowd finish 0 world GHAST 8,0
  26. Offline


    Ah, I see so I don't need that whole long line filled out thank you. Also wasn't sure if the current build was updated to what was posted.

    And thank you for your help. Also for the person who made the plugin. Just because I'm curious, is it easier to have all these options in the database like you have or have the plugin grab data from a config file?
  27. Offline


    The "set" command modifies monster behaviour, the others set the rules for their spawn patterns, basically. The latest version has all mobs disabled where you need to use 'set' to set enabled to true.
  28. Offline


    Ah so that is what that true/false thing was. Yea it said true or false and I'm like...true or false for what? lol
  29. Offline


    Actually the latest Release build the true false sets if the mob will burn in the daylight. He is talking about the latest development build.
  30. Offline


    Ok..slightly confused I try turn on sheep to at least spawn.. So I type:

    crowd set [CreatureType] [World] [Passive,Aggressive,Neutral] [Passive,Aggressive,Neutral] [TouchDmg] [MiscDmg] [true,false] [Health] [Target Distance] [SpawnChance] [Enabled] <---just basing it off this. The one on wiki is no different with internal errors. Also I'm using the dev build you last posted.

    /crowd set SHEEP world passive passive 0 0 true 10 20 100 Enabled
    and I just get an internal error or nothing happens at all.
  31. Offline


    Passive, it has to be caps like in the name

    And Enabled means true or false

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