Material name for cocoa beans?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Matt Rock, Feb 21, 2014.

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    Matt Rock

    I'm using a plugin with material name ID's (not to be confused with number ID's; red rose is RED_ROSE rather than 38) in its config, and I want to use cocoa beans (number ID of 351:3) as an ingredient. However, I'm not able to find a cocoa bean material ID in the only list I've found. I'm finding cocoa plant, which is great if I could get the plants as items (silk touch on something-or-other?), but I very much want to use the beans. Does anyone know the code for this? Or is there one, even?

    Also, is there a name ID for the different types of saplings? If I want to use an oak sapling, it's simply SAPLING, but what if I wanted to use, say, a spruce or birch sapling?
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    Try holding the item in your hand and then typing /iteminfo or /itemdb. One of those should list all the names and IDs for that item. I think cocoa beans are considered brown ink sacks...not sure I'm remembering that right though.
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    Matt Rock

    I tried /itemdb and you're right, it comes back as INK_SACK - 351:3. I'm not sure how to put that into a config though; I wish they just used item ID's and that was that, lol. Thank you for showing me that command, that's super helpful :)
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    If only there were some place were there was full documentation for bukkit...
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    Matt Rock

    I had already looked at that, Iroh... and it doesn't show an entry for cocoa beans. It shows cocoa plant, which is different. So I'm not sure how to use cocoa bean in the config, or whether item codes can generally be swapped with material names, or if you can extend the name. So you can have some of that sarc back now :D
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    xD well that shows me, I just assumed you hadn't looked.
    Try cocoa_beans.
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  7. Offline

    Matt Rock

    I tried cocoa_beans, but no dice sadly :( I'm on the cusp of just saying "screw it, you guys are all drinking ink sacks" lol
  8. Offline


    Never heard of a plugin using mat names, very odd.....
    Seems to share an item idea with the other dyes, that seems to be the problem here. Necrodoom any ideas here?
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    Matt Rock

    The plugin in question is Brewery ( I'm modifying the config to include twenty new recipes for alcohols, and figured I would use cocoa in some of them, since cocoa never gets used for anything other than cookies and dyes. For a pseudo-RP server, it's borderline impossible to find good food plugins (unless we went with something like Spoutcraft; I'm not too keen on the idea of forcing people into downloading extra stuff, though). It drives me nuts because there are so many foods and drinks that could be made if Mojang would let us, but that's a whole other rant, lol.
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    Matt Rock cocoabeans does not have its own material name. Its ink sack, ID 351, with the damage value of 3.
    If the plugin does not support damage values then theres not much you can do.
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    Matt Rock

    Dang, alrighty. I'll just have to use regular ink sacks then, and maybe whip up some silly lore for that, lol. Thank you for your help!
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