
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by IamChrisGaming, Aug 23, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Economy/Fun

    Suggested name: Market [1.7 Plugin Please]

    What I want: People, with a command, will be able to sell items in a GUI shop so the chat isn't filled with annoying auction garbage. The GUI will list items that people are selling. If people type /market sell (price) , the item the player is holding will be added to the global list. If a player is holding multiple of an item, it will sell all of the items. Multiple items can be sold.
    Item's in the Market will have added lores. One lore will be the name of the seller, the other the price. Seller's name will be in bolded white. The price will be in green (&a). Items in the black market will return to a player's inventory after 15 minutes.

    Ideas for commands:
    /market sell {price} - sells held item for {price}
    /market - Opens the market GUI
    /market cancel {number} - Opens up your market me GUI, but clicking items returns them to your inventory.
    /market me - Opens a GUI that shows all of the items you currently have for sale.

    Ideas for permissions: market.{#} - allows you to sell {#} amount of items at once in the market.

    When I'd like it by: Anytime before christmas!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2015
  2. Look for blackmarket in this category
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    @elancha98 I saw that plugin request however that is 1.8 and I stated that I need it for 1.7
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    They are very compatible though.
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    @timtower Do I have to downgrade it to 1.7 to use it? Cause i use 1.7 spigothack
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I said that they were compatible.
    And do you mean a protocol hack with spigot hack?
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    @timtower Yh but dw i got it fixed and dont really like the layout
  8. Could you explain the problem with the GUI?
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