Solved Making zombies *not* attack?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by thok13, Feb 18, 2013.

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    So for specific zombies I'm spawning I want them not to attack. This is because they are supposed to be like pets. One easy way I could do this would be to make their seeing distance 0, but I get the feeling this is not a good approach. Any help?
  2. This cannot be done for certain zombies. If you somehow manage to get a constant amount of entities, you could do it by entityNumber, however that is impossible. You could do it for the whole zombie race, but I am not sure how.Perhaps you need a servermod for this.
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    you wouldn't need a server mod to do it to all zombies.

    Use EntityDamageByEntityEvent then check if the entity being attacked is being attacked by a zombie then cancel it
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    thok13 and MrBluebear3 like this.
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