Solved Looping thru chunks between 2 locations gets wrong chunks!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Lightspeed, Jan 24, 2016.

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    So I have
    for (int x = min.getBlockX(); x < max.getBlockX(); x+=16)
      for (int z = min.getBlockZ(); z < max.getBlockZ(); z+=16)
        chunks.add(p.getWorld().getChunkAt(x, z));
    This code doesen't give me the chunks im in at 124 it gives me chunk at chunk cordinated 124?!?!?
    Am I not understanding somthing?
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    The ints required to call #getChunkAt() are Chunk coordinates rather than regular x/z values. You are getting a chunk every 16 chunks.
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    @teej107 Is there a way to get the chunk from normal coordinates?
    I fixed the problem but, is there any smaller code that I can use to get chunk inside normal coordinates?

    Chunk minl = new Location(p.getWorld(), min.getBlockX(), min.getBlockY(), min.getBlockZ()).getChunk()
       , maxl = new Location(p.getWorld(), max.getBlockX(), max.getBlockY(), max.getBlockZ()).getChunk();
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    @teej107 Thanks I tried auto completing min/ and nothing popped up like to Location.
    OFFTOPIC: Do you have a quick awnser/link on how to serialize a NBTtag?
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    Don't rely on your IDE too much. Actually searching the JavaDocs is way better than the IDE for reasons like what happened to you.

    Minecraft already serializes NBTTags.
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    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
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