Solved Looping through players in config?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by killerman747, Apr 23, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    Hello, I was wondering how I would go about looping through a List<String> to find online players that are in that list then do something like send them a message? Here is what I have:
    1. List<String> Members = plugin.getConfig().getStringList(".Plugin.List");
    2. for(Player onlinePlayers : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()){
    3. if(Members .contains(onlinePlayers)){
    4. onlinePlayers.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Your on the list!");
    5. }
    6. }

    Any help?
  2. Offline


    The code you have should work. But the path node is syntactically wrong. It cannot have a leading period.
  3. Offline


    You should delete the leading period on ".Plugin.List". Also, you are checking if a List<String> contains a Player, which will never return true. You should instead check if it contains the player's name: onlinePlayers.getName()
  4. Offline


    So I changed my code like you said but still nothing seems to happen to the players on the list.
    List<String> Members = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("Plugin.List");
                        for(Player onlinePlayers : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()){
                            if(Members .contains(onlinePlayers.getName())){
                                onlinePlayers.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Your on the list!");
    Any ideas?
  5. Offline


    Debug messages help with situations like this. Use System.out to print to console the contents of Members to see if its even reading the config. Your config structure of may not be what you think it is.

    System.out.println("Members: " + Members);
  6. Offline


    From how you have plugin.getConfig(), I can see this is another class, probably a Player listener or something. Are you registering it? Also, I believe it is Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers(). You forgot the .getServer() part.
  7. Offline


    getServer() is redundant. A lot of methods in the Bukkit class are delegated to the server automatically.
  8. Offline


    Echo out the members list. Also post full classes and what does the config have inside.
  9. Offline


    Wow...I feel stupid. I forgot to add another period to break down into the next section of the config...thanks for making me double check my self.
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