Solved Loop through multiple configs in specific folder

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by L33m4n123, Sep 16, 2013.

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    One of my plugins stores stats of the user in files.

    They are all stored within

    (basicly a normal txt file but has more style with a plugin specific ending :D)

    Is there a Method within Java or even within Bukkit that allows me to get all of the file names out of one folder so I can go ahaed and get a integer value from one of the paths?

    What I want to do (I describe it here now maybe there is a more easier way)

    I want to make a Leaderboard for the top 10 players. For that I would need to have the specific value from each individual playerfile. So any Input regarding this matter is appreciated.

    Edit: While I sent this in I thought of maybe writing an extra config file that saves all playernames as path and the corresponding value is their score. But I still would like to hear your peoples opinion on it :)

    Edit: While I sent this in I thought of maybe writing an extra config file that saves all playernames as path and the corresponding value is their score. But I still would like to hear your peoples opinion on it :)
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    Why not just use the listFiles() method on a File object that points to your "players" directory? Then you can iterate over your files for the info that you want.


    If your player's directory has a mix of files and you just want the .cookie files, then just pass a FilenameFilter to the same method.

    private final FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() {
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            return name.endsWith(".cookie");
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    Cheers. Didn't know there was a Method called listFiles() ;-)
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    L33m4n123 I have also been looking for a way to make a leaderboard with per-player yaml files (I would prefer /top <page> but meh, either would do) if you come across a way would you be so kind as to share a little code :3?
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    Pizza371 save all the stats in a HashMap<String, Integer>, and use TreeMaps and comparators to order them. See this thread.
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