Looking to make a invisible block u can walk throught, whilst stacking other blocks.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ShameMate, May 10, 2016.

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    So i am looking to make a block like a barrier but u can walk through. The server will be running 1.7. I want an invisible block where u can walk through it but it can also stack other blocks.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @ShameMate So you want to remove the block?
    When the client knows that there is a block then it won't be able to walk through anymore.
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    Yeah i basically want to make a block which players can't see but can walk through. So it would be like a sign, but invisible. Because the sign can stack sand ofc. The block has to be able to be invis, have players walking through it, and stack sand.
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    use worldedit and do //set 36
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    Retexture a fencegate.
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