Lobby compass error

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Jammaers, Nov 7, 2016.

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    Hello, I've recently installed lobby compass plugin and i don't really know whats going on, i added options for it and everything but for some reason it says "nothing to pass through!" when i used the compass and when i do /lobbycompass it says "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
    I have no idea what i did wrong so i want you guys to tell me what i did wrong in the config.yml file, also my server is in spanish so the descriptions of the objects are in spanish, sorry for this.

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Jammaers That would be worldedit registering the compass as its own compass which has teleport abilities.
    You can probably change that item in its config.
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    Nope, i changed the navigation wand to item 286, i /reload my server but i still cant use the compass

    The only thing that changed is that it doesnt say "nothing to pass through!" any more but i still cant use the lobby compass

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Jammaers Stop the server, edit the config, save, start the server.
    Reload isn't that good.
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    I stopped my server, changed the item again and turned on the server but still when i use /lobbycompass it says that and when i try to use the compass nothing happens

    I think its an error i did in my config file for the lobby compass
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    I dont know how to check my log but in console this happens when someone uses the command
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    To find your latest.log:

    Stop your server.
    Start your server.
    When it's fully started, stop it again.
    Go in to your server files.
    Go to the logs folder.
    Open the file called latest.log.
    Copy and paste the contents at http://pastebin.com/.
    Post it there and then link the URL here.
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