Learning to code!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by JustStride, Jan 23, 2014.

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    Hey there!
    So basically, I've been trying to learn how to code and I've been having lots of trouble. I'm a complete beginner and I've tried so many different methods, suing the forums, using the API, watching tutorials, trying to do it on my own, etc.

    Do you have any good methods?
    Any good tips and/or sources?
    How'd you learn?
    What would you suggest to a beginner?

    These are all questions I have and I think the answers might help me get started. I really wanna learn Bukkit and become one of those coders who could code basically everything Bukkit. I know it's gonna take a long time but I'm completely dedicated into learning! Thanks for reading this and please try your best to help me. :D
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    Well just saying, I don't think this is the right section, but oh well.
    Anyway, the best way to learn is the way you like best. Video tutorials are more relaxing but aren't always the most accurate. Text is usually accurate and updated but can be boring to read. Books are also useful. And for you, I'd suggest that you don't learn how to code by starting with an API. First, make simple programs that help you learn the Java programming language. Starting with an API will make you rely on calling pure Bukkit methods, and you'll never learn OOP nor other proper coding methods. And the video tutorials that say "how to make a bukkit plugin" aren't good. If you don't know Java, you can't use an API (at least not very well). Give it a few months and you'll get Java down pretty well and will start to be able to make plugins. Good luck, have fun :)
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    Well... I'm in the process of making my plugins for my servers, I learned (and still am) by watching videos on YouTube and coping what they do. The guys I copy from are: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOBqSqnLO7Z42Y8JwgfhpRQ . I also use eclipse to code. It helps if you watch the video for awhile and stop and catch up to where they are. Soon you will get the point of coding ;). Also, next time put in in the http://forums.bukkit.org/forums/plugin-development.5/ section. Hope this helped and Best of Luck! ~Polish
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    Not exactly 'Bukkit help', but no plugin to help in 'Plugin development' with, 'Bukkit discussion' is where i think it will belong the most. Moved.
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    please don't sue the forums >_>
    rektok and Adriani6 like this.
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    Learn basic Java then you'll 'code bukkit' ;p

    To learn more than Java, codeacademy is quite good. Take a look at it.
    Really good for Python, JavaScript, Php, HTML, CSS (I think) and 1 more I forgot about..
  7. Offline


    Codecademy doesn't teach Java. They teach PHP, JavaScript (+jQuery), Python, Ruby, and Web Fundamentals (HTML/CSS). They also teach some APIs.
  8. Offline


    Never said they did. I said if he wants to learn something more than Java then hava a look at codeacademy. In the list of languages they teach, I never mentioned Java.
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    I wrote a book which teaches how to create Bukkit plugins. It helps new developers learn how to program as well. I was just looking at a related post that you may be interested in. It includes information on my book as well as great suggestions from other users. There might be something there that can help you. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/how-do-i-create-a-plugin.222607/
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    Apologies, I had not read your post correctly.
    Adriani6 likes this.
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    All I can say is Derek Banas java tutorials. They are absolutely amazing. The first 16 videos will take you right through basic java and object oriented concepts. After that you should read the plugin tutorial in the bukkit wiki :)
  12. Offline


    Are the first 16 all I need to get started with Bukkit? If yes, what do I do after I finish watching them?

    Then what other strategies should I use?
  13. Offline


    Yes the first 16 will do you good. Then read the bukkit wiki, here.
  14. Offline


    Then what? Just start trying to code something or what?
  15. Offline


    Yehh... then you'll be able to make a decent bukkit plugin.
  16. Offline


    But, I wanna get to a spot where I master Bukkit. Like where I can code anything Minecraft-related. I know it's gonna take a while but, do you have any other suggestions of things I should do?
  17. Offline


    I've already told you twice. First watch the videos, then read the Bukkit wiki.
  18. Offline


    I read the Wiki and watched the first 16 videos but the wiki was kind of confusing for me, I didn't really understand it much
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    The Plugin Tutorial does a good job at hand-holding you through making a plugin. Even includes screenshots.

    Is there something in particular you didn't understand? I would just walk through it even if some things are fuzzy at first. After that things will fall into place a little more and more over time as you code things.

    One other thing to mention. Part of programming is building your code only to see it not working (or at least not working fully). Then spending a lot of time figuring out the problems and fixing. Over time you become better at it, but you'd have to have a lot of years experience before you can write working code at first shot and even then that's a rare treat. So if you encounter that, know that's not unexpected and just part of the process.
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    I think it's because reading isn't a good way for me to learn. I know that's mastering Bukkit is gonna take a long time but that's why I made this post. For experienced coders you have mastered Bukkit to reply with tips, and things they did to get really experienced. I want to try what other experienced coders did, and see if it'll help me. I know it's gonna take a long time and lots of trial and error, but I'm dedicated to learn so I'll happily go through all that.

    So anyone who's really experienced and/or mastered Bukkit, please let me know how you learned and what you did. Also, and tips you can give a beginner like me. Thanks a lot!
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    To get experience in something you do it. It's no more complicated than that.
  22. Offline


    But you can't do something if you don't know how to do it. That's why I'm asking those questions for tips, and how you learned.
  23. Offline


    To get my start I dissected other peoples public plugins and tweaked things to learn how they worked. But of course this requires understanding Java. I don't know how much those 16 videos taught you but it can't be as much as a few years of college. If reading isn't your thing, I suggest trying to find a course at a school or something. Intro to Java may be good enough to start.

    Then look in the forums for people wanting easy plugins. Try doing them yourself and research any parts of the Bukkit API that you will need to use. There is lots of good material on the forums and the Javadocs are really helpful if you know how to use them. I prefer Doxygen (http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/doxygen/).
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    You should know how to after watching the first 16 videos (and copying what he does in them). Then read the wiki and practice bit by bit. Really not that complicated.
  25. Offline


    I learned a terrible way, it's best not to do what I did. The technical best way is probably to take an actual class, but that's obviously not an option for everyone. Watch Java videos, read the Java documentation, read Java books, then look at the bukkit plugin tutorial and javadocs. If you know Java, it will not be very hard to figure it all out.
  26. Offline


    Thanks so much! Looking for easy plugins is a great idea! That's some of the best advice I've been given so far!
  27. Offline


    If you are looking for some ideas. I could suggest one from my book. For most plugins you will have to at least know how to listen for an event or how to create a command. I'm sure you can find lots of tutorials on how to do both on these forums and on YouTube.
  28. Offline


    Sadly, I don't have the money to buy your book. But is there any chance you can give me a few simple ideas anyway?
  29. Offline


    Of course, that is what I meant. Once I get home I will tell you a simple plugin idea from my book. Any preference on what kind of things it should include (such as commands/permissions/listeners/etc)? I would suggest trying one of those at a time before completing a plugin that involves all of them.
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    Anything that you think that could be simple. But is there any chance, I could add you on Skype or something? So each time I finish something you look over it and gimmie another idea? So basically be my teacher :p
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