Lava Parkour

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by JeremyZh, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Lava Parkour

    What I want: I'd like to see a plugin that enhances the regular game of parkour. You just define an area where the parkour is. Then you define the parkour blocks (where the player stands on while playing parkour). Last, you do not need to join with signs. You just hop on the parkour and it registers you that you are playing. If you stop sprinting or fell to lava, you get teleported to the start again. But ONLY if you stop sprinting, it just display a customizable message to keep running.

    Blocks registered ONLY in /LP setblock (below) command will be affected by teleport. Therefore, if they are in the parkour area but not on the blocks registered, they will not be teleported back to the start.

    Inspired by

    Ideas for commands:
    /LP - Command to show list of all commands
    /LP create {NAME} - Create a arena and give u wand (world edit?) to define the arena
    /LP setarena {NAME} - to confirm the arena selection
    /LP setblock {NAME} {block ID} {block ID} {block ID}.... - register the parkour platforms blocks
    /LP delete {NAME} - deletes the arena
    /LP version - displays the version info

    Ideas for permissions:
    lavaparkour.* - all perms
    lavaparkour.create - can create arena
    lavaparkour.setarena - can setarena command
    lavaparkour.setblock can register the parkour platforms blocks
    lavaparkour.delete - can delete the arena
    lavaparkour.version - can see the version

    When I'd like it by: ASAP :p

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