Solved LargeFireBall Issue

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by L33m4n123, Dec 7, 2013.

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    Hey guys,

    What I am trying to achieve is a FireBall rain. Following is what I want to do

    • get Location from Config [works]
    • spawn LargeFireballs in a radius arround that Location 15 blocks higher [works]
    • Let them rain down straight down and explode onhit [not working]
    So yeah. What exactly it is that doesn't work for the last part. I spawn them in. Set their Direction and they just explode where they spawn. But they do not fall/travel into the direction I want it to. Might be that I need a different approach
    How I spawn the LargeFireballs in and set their direction is as follows
    1. if (ability.equalsIgnoreCase("fireball")) {
    2. final Vector fall = new Vector(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
    3. final Location fireballLoc = loc; // gets the location from the Config. Works
    4. fireballLoc.setY(loc.getY() + 15.00);
    5. final Location fireballOneLoc = fireballLoc;
    6. final Location fireballTwoLoc = fireballLoc;
    7. int ammount = 0;
    8. while (ammount < 10) {
    9. System.out.println(ammount); // Debug message to see if it works
    10. if (ammount % 2 == 0) {
    11. fireballOneLoc.setX(fireballOneLoc.getX() - 1);
    12. fireballOneLoc.setZ(fireballOneLoc.getZ() - 1);
    13. LargeFireball eOne = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld("kd")
    14. .spawn(fireballOneLoc, LargeFireball.class);
    15. System.out.println("FireballOne" + " " + eOne.getLocation()); //double confirmation. Spawns where it needs to
    16. eOne.setDirection(fall);
    17. } else {
    18. fireballTwoLoc.setX(fireballTwoLoc.getX() + 1);
    19. fireballTwoLoc.setZ(fireballTwoLoc.getZ() + 1);
    20. LargeFireball eTwo = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld("kd")
    21. .spawn(fireballTwoLoc, LargeFireball.class);
    22. System.out.println("FireballTwo" + " " + eTwo.getLocation()); // tripple confirmation. Spawns where it should
    23. eTwo.setDirection(fall);
    24. }
    25. ammount++;
    26. }
    27. }

    So what it does.
    It spawns the 10 Fireballs.
    All in different locations. (Confirmed by Comments)
    However they explode imideatly.
    so I kinda guess I might have to do it different because the Fireball explode right on spawning in. But I cannot think of a way of doing it correctly
  2. Offline


    Why did you post two topics for this?
  3. Offline


    Did I? My browser screwed up then. sorry


    Ok.. duh. Should not be coding at 5 in the morning. some of them exploded simply midair because they colided on their path (because setDirection still gives them a random direction)

    however the main issue was that I had a runnable within the plugin that removed all entitys except certain ones.. forgot to add LargeFireball in there. sorry guys :cool:
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