Lapis only drops 1 dye?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by gdscei, Jan 25, 2011.

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    I've started a new world with CraftBukkit and it seems that lapis only drops 1 dye. Is this only Bukkit related? I've heared people who say that on other servers the lapis does drop 6-9 dye?
  2. Offline


    this concerns me as well
    my understanding is, those people are actually playing single-player. In multi-player, there's a vanilla bug where lapis ore is supposed to drop more than one dye but only drops one.

    (What I hear is that Notch quietly fixed this in 1.2_02, the "update just fixes it to use the amazon cloud" update, but you'd need to update the server as well to get this to work in multiplayer, and AFAIK no server update exists; CraftBukkit in turn inherits this bug.) <--- It appears to me that this mod would be trivial to alter so the event triggers on mining lapis ore instead of redstone ore - other than that one change, nothing else actually needs to be changed in it at all. The event itself (dropping the configurable number of lapis dye) is exactly what's wanted.

    I could probably make the edits but I don't know how to compile it or anything. Maybe someone else can make a band-aid of this?

    EDIT: As the lapis ore already drops one dye, to match vanilla single-player behavior the event would need to drop 3-8 additional lapis dye. Vanilla behavior is of course to drop 4-9, but the plugin appears to add to what the block drops ordinarily; thusly you lower the range to 3-8.
  3. Offline


    Run a vanilla server and find out. As far as I know it's a vanilla error and not something CraftBukkit can fix. However, there are plugins available that increase the amount of Lapis dropped per block mined.
    --- merged: Jan 25, 2011 9:02 PM ---
    Funny speculation, but to what benefit to Mojang is there in hiding bug fixes?
  4. Offline


    Hiding their mistakes?
    Although that would be weird
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    Weird for them to start now, when they've never done so in the past. They're more likely to state there was a bug and it's been fixed than to let people wonder about if it was a bug that got fixed.
  6. Offline


    Heh, I didn't mean that it was hidden actually. Here's what I think: Notch fixed at least one or two minor bugs, including this one, straight up *forgot* about it ;), pushed out the quick amazon cloud update, and didn't update the server jar to match because it didn't "need" an update (because he forgot about this bugfix.)
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