KitPvP Custom Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by crazynightsH, Apr 16, 2018.

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  1. My friend shifter who has a youtube channel of 1.7k almost 1.8k subscribers is making a server called OrangePvP. For now, we are having KitPvP and we need a custom plugin rather than one that you can change the prefixes to OrangePvP. If anyone can make this and make sure that there is:

    - An automatic join so they don't have to type a command.
    - No KitPvp leave like /kp leave.
    - Every prefix to be "&8[&6&lOrange&e&lPvP&8]".
    - Get coins and exp on kills. Exp for the custom ranking system. So get 50 exp to get to the first level. The default level is Starter. You can design the prefixes :), killstreaks.
    - Shop Gui for the coins on kills.
    - Holographic Leaderboards (kills, deaths, K/dr, the highest level, and the best killstreak)
    - A scoreboard with the prefix at the top. and the IP at the bottom. I am not giving the IP so can you make that customizable? thanks. In between of the prefixes and IP can you make it so it has the player coins, kills etc same as the leaderboard but the player's stats.
    - Bugless (probably impossible so the best you can make it would be fine)
    - free. please make this plugin for free. I won't be paying people for the plugin as we haven't opened yet. Please only make this plugin if you know you are not being paid.
    - A kit unlocker like on KitBattle.
    - A kit upgrader (upgrade the items in kits) item= Nether Star
  2. Offline


    Add commands you want permissions when you want it version and name of the plugin! (Don't forget: How to play)
  3. Offline


    I'm most of the way through with this. I'm going to leave leaderboards and scoreboards to another plugin, but I've added support for the PlaceholderAPI, so you should have no problem finding a plugin to do this for you.
    I don't know what you want xp/levels for - please explain - and I'm not sure I'll get around to adding a kit upgrader. As for a kit unlocker "like KitBattle" - I don't know what that is, any details would help.
    Finally - I don't have any alts, so there's only so much testing I can do. Just let me know if you find any bugs (after I've released the plugin) and I can fix them.

    Edit -
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2018
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