KitPvP - Advanced Reward system - Refill

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Doodledew, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin name: TNCeconomy


    I want a plugin which gives a player a reward when killing another player.
    BUT! I already have that! Now I want it to be more advanced and fair.
    Lemme explain:

    Let's say that Player1 is about to kill Player2, but suddenly Player3 jumps in and gets the kill!
    That is not cool for Player1 that did all the hard work.

    I want so that you get money based on the percentage damage you did to the player that died.
    The percentage will be estimated from, let's say, 50 credits.
    So the money the player gets will be a percentage of 50.

    Suggested message to killers:

    - If player got the last blow: You got (money) for killing (player)!
    - If player helped kill: You got (credits) for damaging (player)!

    You can get the credits after you die too. (if you helped kill)

    Now, REFILL!

    I want a command where you do /refill || /soup
    that's easy! BUT, I want so that you get weakness, slowness and blindness for 5 seconds before you get the soups! While in this mode you can get one-shotted by other players. On your head you will have a red wool so that players can see that you did /refill or /soup.
    That helps agains people spamming /refill or /soup in mid-battle.

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible, but I know that it won't be done at once because it's a quite big plugin.

    Thanks! - Doodle

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