King OF the Ladder PLugin ( not to hard )

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by RustyDagger, Aug 7, 2012.

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    Hello guys.

    Today I would like to request a King of the ladder plugin ( one currently exists but its totally over complicated for how I think it should work. )

    For those of you that have no idea what king of the ladder is think of a king of the hill game only there's no hill and just a tard pillar of blocks with ladder on all sides and people fighting to get to the top.

    Ok so here is my idea of how it should work / play.

    setup should be really easy with worldguard regions. it should require 3 regions they are.

    pvp zone
    ground/spawn zone

    plugin should have some command to create an arena then specify the names of the worldguard zones to use. like this /kotl create arenaname win pvp ground.

    I want to explain what each zone should do. but before that i need to explain a ROUND
    the arena should run in a configurable round time say 5 min for the round when the round ends the player with the most time in the winzone wins some money/items ( best to just let the server owner specify a command to run in console. so it can be money or items)

    should track who is in it and how long they have been in it. for each ROUND
    if 2 players are in the winzone time for them should not be added.

    PVP zone:
    this zone will need a high priority ( WG setting) so that it overrides the maps __global__ setting and enable PVP aditional things that would be handy is stopping the use of swords as the aim of the game is not to kill but to push players off. maybe just enable pvp but eliminate the damage delt that would be epic win.

    Ground/spawn zone:
    Players would randomly spawn in this area they would need to not take fall damage while in this area.
    currently been using the invincibility flag for that.

    Other Key Things to note.

    There should be no JOIN command OR start command players should be able to join and leave the game just by entering or leaving the ground zone. so it would be best to not just have a list of players that are playing and just assume all players are always plying and just add win time for them when they are in the win zone. however the win command cant be ran unless 2 or config number of players has grater than 1 second in the win zone.

    any messages sent to the players should only be sent to those that are in the zones. or even just have another region for the area that gets sent messages.

    commands could include.

    /kotl create Name zone zone zone zone.
    /kotl set command name command-to-run-for-win
    /kotl set win NAME region-name
    /kotl set pvp NAME region-name
    /kotl set ground NAME region-name
    /kotl set message NAME region-name
    /kotl set roundtime NAME time-per-round-in-seconds

    To sum it up I don't think this plugin would be all that hard to make as its just a glorified Worldguard wrapper. But there are some parts that worldguard cant do currently and those might be tricky.
    I am willing to work with any one that would be wiling to take this on via skype or whatever

    I know its Quite a wall of text and all but not a single reply :(

    The idea is well thought out, but up for change. I am willing to help dev test and report bugs iv been running my server a long time and have learned how to help track down bugs :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
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    How's this different from mine?
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