
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by xXDragonBearsXx, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Offline


    How I want it : No permissions + They have a rocket or a leather boot . And if you right click it it'll make you go up once if you double click it it'll make you double jump in the air And if you shift and click it it'll make you go up then forward. There also can be a cool down for about 3 to 5 seconds.

    When I'd like it to be done - 2 days? If not then its ok make it anytime just tag me when done. Thank you for reading and please try to help me I'm opening up my 24/7 Server and you can get to be a 20 dollar rank if you help me :) - Dragon [diamond] :D
  2. Offline


    I don't understand what you want exactly...
  3. Offline


    the kangaroo kit like in mcpvp !

    <Removed double post - Bumping is allowed only every 24 hours - Necrodoom>
  4. Offline


    You can only bump every 24 hours. Also check out HG-Abilities. I am sure they will add this soon enough.
  5. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    And some people don't know it, so explain like you are the only one that knows it
  6. Offline


    Ok what kangaroo is

    it has a a fire work or a leather boot and
    If you RIGHT click it you will thrust up and forward a bit
    also if you double click you will double jump and forward a bit more
    but also if you right click then shift click you will jump up and thrust forward like 6-8 blocks a cool down upto 5 seconds or
    when they are in the air they cant click anymore untill thy hit the floor

  7. Offline

    Mathias Eklund

    I have made this for a person already, do you want a copy of that?
    xXDragonBearsXx likes this.
  8. Offline


    Check out my bio.
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    Me toooo! :D
  11. Offline


    For [insert preferred deity here]'s sake, everybody take this as an example as how to NOT format your post. Use the normal black text, and maybe some bold to categorize sections of your post, but do NOT make your post bold, high font size, and bright blue.
    timtower likes this.
  12. Offline


    doodle! big sub
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    We'll be implementing this in my HG-Abilities plugin tonight! Follow me to keep being updated! ;)
  16. Offline


    I already made a plugin like this, though it does not have the timer effect due to me not having that knowledge, if anyone would share how to add a timer besides in the if statement it starts a boolean that triggers a while getting x += 1; Thanks!
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    xXDragonBearsXx one more thing on this plugin, it currently uses a feather, and if you do /feathertoggle it switches the boolean so you can disable/enable it. Also, it has a config on jump height and every time you jump a tiny non-blockdamaging (Configurable) explosion below you. I have not yet added permissions and I will be @ my dad's house tomorrow to finish it up for you, expect it done by monday.
  19. Offline


    I don't need permissions Just hand me what you have now please?
  20. Offline


    You understand this means anyone can do it and people could literally fly off with it?
  21. Offline


    Yep Its a kitpvp server.
  22. 1. Please do not put this in my face.
    2. This has been made before previously.

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