Solved JavaDocs.... wrong?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Monkey_Swag, Oct 4, 2014.

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    So in the JavaDocs, you can see that the PlayerMoveEvent class does contain the getFrom() method.

    Then when I try to use this method, it won't let me.

    Proof that I have the 1.7.9 R0.2 jar file

    So what's wrong?
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    Monkey_Swag Well, the PlayerMoveEvent class definitely declares getFrom(). Are you sure you imported it? By the looks of it, the class name in your screenshot is red, indicating that it may not have been imported properly.

    Make sure to solve all compiler errors in order, and not arbitrarily.
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    I think that's just a theme thing, As ApplicableRegionSet, etc is all red too.
    But yeah, PlayerMoveEvent definitely has a getFrom() method
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    IDE getting confused because you named your class PlayerMoveEvent
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    Gater12 OHHH I see what's wrong. Thanks a lot! I normally name my classes like the events names, but without the 'Event' part. I must've derped out this time :p
  7. Offline


    Its better to name them as "_____EventHandler" and include multiple events related to the "_____". (ie PlayerEventHandler, BlockEventHandler, EntityEventHandler). This will help keep your code organize and easy to tell what would be inside it.
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    ALso Rocoty that's just a theme, not an error :p
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