
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DT_Rush, Nov 25, 2011.

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    If i make a plugin using Java7, would people who used java 6 update 29 be able to use the plugin or would they need java7?
  2. If you use new Java 7 Features they wont be able to use it. Otherwise yes.
  3. Offline


    Well just tested my plugin with both and it only works with java7 :(
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    Most servers have Java 6, if they load your plugin, they will get a major minor error. (I didn't test it myself, but I know it from people that are having that issue)
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    Thanks for the info, just making sure. I personally want to use Java7 and have my plugins use Java6 but i don't think its possible, but if you know a way please let me know :)
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