
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Acrobot, Mar 28, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Hello :)

    I tried to make plugin accept aliases, but it only works in one way, eg. if I write "asd: 5" in the config, then I can make "asd" be the WOOD value, but if I have no clue how to get value of 5 (WOOD) then.
    Can anyone help me? :)
    Thanks in advance!
  2. Offline


    Include OddItem as a dependency :)
  3. Offline


    Can you please be more clear about what you're asking? If you're asking for name parsing, use Material.parseName (IIRC) - it returns null if it wasn't valid.
  4. Offline


    I would, if it wasn't closed-source.
    I need plugin that only needs iConomy to work, as it's the only needed thing.
    I looked at your plugin and I think it is very nice, but still, I want it all to be in one .jar

    I want to change item name to other, for example "stone" to "smooth stone", so ID 1 would be "SMOOTH STONE", not "STONE".

    The new item names would be stored in some file, like items.db or items.txt.
  5. Offline


    It isn't.
    OddItem doesn't need anything else to work - it is "all in one jar". It is a library to allow other plugins to share the same item aliases file. The only dependency, which is optional, is Permissions, so that non-op users could reload the config.

    What does iConomy have to do with it? Please re-state your request with all your requirements, since you've apparently not stated them in your first post.
  6. Offline


    Sorry for the confusion :)
    I decided I'll use this plugin, because it seems very nice :)

    I meant that my plugin is one .jar file, and the only plugin needed atm was iConomy, but now I realise that your plugin is very, very functional :)
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