Item enchantment glow - 1.4.6?!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TheTinySpider, Dec 9, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    So how todo this in the new 1.4.6 bukkit?
  2. Offline


    the glow itself is rendered clientside. afaik there is no way to add the glow only
  3. Offline


    you have to add an enchantment i think.
  4. Offline


    he wants the glow, not the enchantment :p
  5. Offline


    ik but since there is no way i know of in which you can only get the glow...
    he could add an unsafe enchantment with level 0. but thats probably not what he is looking for.
    wait he might be able to edit the NBT data for it so it doesnt show the enchantment name.
  6. Offline


    How about registering a custom enchantment, setting its level to -1 and name to ""?
    tommycake50 likes this.
  7. Offline


    tommycake50 I tried a lvl 0 enchantment but it just said: ENCHANTMENT.VALUE.0

    fireblast709 How to set an enchantment name?

    TheTinySpider @tommycake50 @fireblast709
    I'm making an custom enchantment plugin using item lores. And lores dont give enchantment glows so thats why i wanted to know it :p Also there is no bukkit class for Nether Stars

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  8. Offline


    i presume making a class that extends Enchantment.
    and then add all the unimplemented methods.
  9. Offline


    @tommycake50 Euhhhhm, thats sounds scary lol. Got an example?
  10. Offline


    just create a new class after the class name add extends Enchantment.
    it will ask yu to add the unimplemented methods so hover over it and click add uniplemented methods.
    and return the appropriate stuff.
  11. Offline


    stirante Do you might know how to easly do this? Maybe with nbt tags?
  12. Offline


    I know for Minecraft client modding you would do this:
    public EnumRarity getRarity(ItemStack par1ItemStack)
            return EnumRarity.epic;
    ...But I'm that helps here.
  13. Offline


    I think you can use packets for this.
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    Unfortunately, only custom potion effects is not working, but I'm working on it.

    I think I know how to add this glow. When ItemStack is rendered in ItemRenderer it checks itemStack.hasEffect(). Then ItemStack in method hasEffect returns method hasEffect(itemStack) from Item class. Class Item returns itemStack.isItemEnchanted() and isItemEnchanted returns if itemStack has tag and if this tag contains compound called ench. So if you put just this tag you won't have any enchantments but glow will stay I think. So it *should* work :D. I'll try to write some code for this.

    EDIT:Here is some code. As always not tested and I hope it will work :)
        public static ItemStack addGlow(ItemStack item){
            net.minecraft.server.ItemStack nmsStack = null;
            CraftItemStack craftStack = null;
            if (item instanceof CraftItemStack){
                craftStack = (CraftItemStack)item;
                nmsStack = craftStack.getHandle();
            else {
                craftStack = new CraftItemStack(item);
                nmsStack = craftStack.getHandle();
            NBTTagCompound tag = null;
            if (!nmsStack.hasTag()){
                tag = new NBTTagCompound();
            if (tag == null)
                tag = nmsStack.getTag();
            NBTTagList ench = new NBTTagList();
            tag.set("ench", ench);
            return craftStack;
    EDIT2: It works!!! But minecraft client crashes when you hover on item :/

    EDIT3:It works!!!(Without crashes :D)

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  17. Offline


    stirante Awesome! Thank you very very much!
  18. Offline


    stirante: Do you think you could add this to PrettyScaryLib (if you haven't already)?
  19. Offline


    Yea, sure :D
    How can I name it?
  20. Offline


    Maybe add a new method to your Namer class (or just an overload to the setName method) to create items with a glow effect and the italicized name (I'm currently using your library to create custom magic items (without vanilla minecraft enchantments))?
  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    I already created new class. I called it EnchantemGlow. You can add and remove the glow with it. Btw. for update you can wait a little bit longer, becouse I'm also updating Javadocs :)
    monstuhs likes this.
  23. Offline


    Awesome thanks! Could you perchance overload setName to allow for setting the name in italics?
  24. Offline


    Just add a ChatColor in front of it, an overload is not really needed here ;3
    monstuhs likes this.
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    Oh, didn't realize that. Nice! Thanks!
  27. Offline


    stirante Nice thanks :D

    stirante How can i read the lores? For ex. i have a snowball with these lores:
    Power Rock

    And i have a event where i wanna read this like:
    If snowball lore contains Power Rock damage dealth +1

    Ive tried this no succes:
    String a;
            if (
    a.contains("Power Rock")) {
    NBT = your Name Class

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  28. Offline


    getLore returns String[] not string.
  29. Offline


    How do i read a string out of that? like i wanted?
  30. Offline


    String[] a = NBT.getLore(p.getItemInHand());
    for (String lore : a) {
    if (a.equalsIgnoreCase("Power Rock")){
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