IP Tracker

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mayor_Mike, Dec 13, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    I would like a plugin that can track player names and the IP adress they login with.
    I know the server, by default, has a log file but it is very difficult to find the info i am looking for.
    The reason i need it is because i have problems with people logging in as other people on an offline server. I do have xAuth but sometimes there are ways around this stuff.
    Thanks in advanced
  2. Offline


    It's easier to set Online-Mode=true by yourself than for me to make a plugin that will set it to true for you :p
  3. Offline



    What ways are there around this stuff?

    You might consider submitting those as tickets for xAuth.
  4. Offline


    How about we just don't give support to this 'pirate'?
  5. Offline


    Locked. Find support for your offline mode server elsewhere.
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