[INFO] ServerEvents 1.5.2 - Replace TwitterEvents, DeathNotify [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Brettflan, Jan 24, 2011.

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    harakiwi, dark_hunter, cfultz and 2 others like this.
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    Well i love what mrgreaper has done and last night i just went over it and had a look and found a few things that needed to be changed so i have made a small update to it *I have spoken to mrgreaper so he is aware i was editing this*

    Attached Files:

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    can i make the plugin tweet less often? Like at most once every hour.
    Right now its just spamming and ppl log in and out all the time.
  4. Offline


    This would be really nice!
    Also it would be nice if it could tweet when the server starts and the ability that ops can tweet manually something with '/tweet Hi' or something like this.
  5. Offline


    Stevenb88 is one of our servers players, he has full permision from me to spell check and grammer check my file...Aint it great to have a editor?
    I didnt threaten to turn al his castles cobblestone to water blocks....honest!

    i will at work tonight (providing its another quiet night) work on the death messages, i think once they are all done this will be the last public version of the xml (i need to start adding some server specific stuff from 2morro onwards) if however people are ok with server specific stuff i will release more ofcourse (you could always edit out the server specific lines?) but tonights one will be another generic one (expect it some time before 0100) please note that so far i have spent 6 hours on it the first night and 5 hours yesterday thats 11 hours working on one xml file! lol

    suggestion to fix the issue that people only want certain things in twitter and channel how about in the config bit

    would that be possible ?

    @pebble you can change the frequency of the random twitters in the xml file, trust me its there i can almost see that file when i close my eyes! :)
  6. Offline


    Either that, or in each message type do something like;
    <random enabled="true" delay="1800000" file="false" chat="true" twitter="false" database="false">
    <join enabled="true" file="false" chat="true" twitter="true" database="false">
    <quit enabled="true" file="false" chat="true" twitter="true" database="false">
    <death enabled="true" file="false" chat="true" twitter="true" database="false">
  7. Offline


    ok i need to take a break from the xml file and see other files, im getting writters block lol.

    many lines added (i used the spelling fixes from stevenb88 cheers chap

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    Request: a "killer" for someone falling through a hole in the bedrock, or any death where the causes are otherwise unknown.
  9. Offline


    Nice plugin. But why xml? its worse than yaml!!
  10. Offline


    speaking as some one who has now been editing the xml file for around 16 hours lol i have to say its MUCH nicer then yml but then i have a distinct hatred of yml files lol
  11. Offline


    This I know lol. But you must know my hatred for xml runs a decade deep, at least.
  12. Offline


    ah ok, my hatred for yml is still new and fresh, a mere week or so. :)
  13. Offline


    Hey can you add support for the rest of the colors to your Colors class pls
  14. Offline


    Well i edited that but it was still say too often.
    Say If I want it to tweet like once every 3 hours. How should I set that up?
    And I agree, xml is waay nicer than yml! =)
  15. Offline


    This is from memory as I'm on my iPhone but there's a bit in the top canf that says number of messages per minute to post number of messages to buffer 12 ... Maybe that will held what you want, there was defiantly some time values there ( sorry I'm not fully awake yet)
  16. Offline


    Just wanna throw it out there that I support this plugin's use of XML configuration. Not necessarily best choice, but far easier to edit and debug and monumentally less picky than YAML.
  17. Offline


    Nevermind, It works fantastically :D
  18. Offline


    Any chance to get ü ö ä working for German players?
  19. Offline


    a few posts back someone got special characters to work by changing the first line of the xml
    --- merged: Jan 29, 2011 11:13 PM ---
    found the post for you (im nice like that....modest too)
  20. Offline


    I found another way already:
  21. Offline


    i will be adding more death saying s to the xml during the week, though i will also be adding more server pecific things in too, however the server specific things will beat the bottom of the relevent section so people can delete them easy (i have poured a lot of work into the xml, a few secs delete time wont hurt anyone i promise)
  22. Offline


    @croemmich Are you still developing this?

    I'd love to see %weapon added to the death messages so we could have:

    %n was killed by %killer with a %weapon
  23. Offline


    Some German death messages ;)
    Show Spoiler
    <death enabled="true">
    <msg killer="player">Warum hast du das getan, %killer?</msg>
    <msg killer="player">OMG, %killer hat %n get&#246;tet.</msg>
    <msg killer="player">Alles ist gut, %killer. %n hats verdient.</msg>
    <msg killer="player">Das rote Zeug sollte in %n bleiben, %killer.</msg>
    <msg killer="zombie">Wir hoffen du hast geschmeckt, %n.</msg>
    <msg killer="zombie">%n versuchte einen Zombie zu t&#246;ten... durch Verdauungsst&#246;rungen.</msg>
    <msg killer="zombie">H&#228;;ttest dich wohl doch verstecken sollen, %n?</msg>
    <msg killer="skeleton">%n wurde kaltbl&#252;tig erschossen.</msg>
    <msg killer="skeleton">%n versuchte vergeblich ein Skelett zu t&#246;ten.</msg>
    <msg killer="falling">Gravitation tut weh, nicht wahr %n?</msg>
    <msg killer="falling">%n erinnert sich daran, dass nicht das Fallen Spieler t&#246;tet, sondern der Boden.</msg>
    <msg killer="falling">Ist es ein Vogel? Ist es ein Flugzeug? ... Oh, es war %n.</msg>
    <msg killer="falling">%n hatte wohl zu tief ins Glas geschaut und die Kante verfehlt.</msg>
    <msg killer="falling">Was hoch fliegt kommt auch wieder runter, nich wahr %n?</msg>
    <msg killer="falling">%n hat etwas mit einem Stein gemeinsam.</msg>
    <msg killer="falling">Wir sollten lieber ein Gel&#228;;nder f&#252;r %n bauen.</msg>
    <msg killer="burning">Denkst du auch, dass es heute heiss ist, %n?</msg>
    <msg killer="lava">Riecht es hier nach verbranntem Fleisch? Ohh, %n liegt in der Lava.</msg>
    <msg killer="lava">Herzlichen Gl&#252;ckwunsch, %n. Du hast Lava gefunden.</msg>
    <msg killer="drowning">%n hat sich in eine Meerjungfrau verliebt.</msg>
    <msg killer="drowning">%n schwimmt jetzt mit den Fischen.</msg>
    <msg killer="suffocation">%n ist wohl die Luft da unten ausgegangen.</msg>
    <msg killer="spider">Spinnen sind b&#246;se Tiere, fragt nur mal %n.</msg>
    <msg killer="creeper">Renn das n&#228;chste mal lieber weg, %n.</msg>
    <msg killer="creeper"> %n plus Creeper = Loch</msg>
    <msg killer="creeper">Alles ist gut %n. Du hast den Creeper mitgenommen.</msg>
    <msg killer="contact">Kakteen sind nicht zum Essen da, %n.</msg>
    <msg killer="contact">%n verfasste eine Notiz: Kakteen tun weh.</msg>
    <msg killer="contact">%n, ich bin sicher der Kaktus hatte vor die genau so viel Angst wie du vor ihm.</msg>
  24. Offline


    do we need to install the other jar files for twitter and sql if we just want to just use the death notify Feature?
  25. Offline


    IS this working fine on b186?
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    One of the most fun plugins around and it works like a charm!
    I've been using it on my server for a few days now and players really enjoy the deathmessages.

    Is it possible to display PK msgs (with the playername of the killer), instead of only displaying "player"?

  28. Offline


    Would it be possible to add an event for when the server starts? I would like to have an output to twitter so that I can keep track of server reboots and so that players can know when the server has started. A separate one for when the server stops would be nice as well, but it sounds like that would be quite a bit more difficult.

  29. Offline


    Sorry all.. I'm a college student so I haven't had time to do updates. I'll get some rolling soon!
  30. Offline


    Thanks croemmich! We look forward to the updates.
  31. Offline


    Is there a way to disable the normal "xxx logging in" and "xxx has left the game" so that only serverevent's messages come in? And I would also like the ability to change the prefix [ServerEvents] to something else.
    Hamburger Helper likes this.

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