Solved Infected Zombie Entity

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by cnaude, Nov 15, 2012.

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    Anyone know how to detect if a zombie is actually an infected villager? I've been looking at the javadocs and I don't see anything specific to infected villagers.
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    I doubt it, I would assume that where the villager died a zombie spawns.
    Don't quote me as I am only guessing :s
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    call EntityZombie's setVillager() method might do the trick. Assume Zombie z:
    1. ((CraftZombie)z).getHandle().setVillager(true/false);

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    Just use onEntityDeathEvent check to see if the Entitiy is a villager and then check to see if it was killed by a zombie, eh? :3
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    I will give this a try. Thanks!

    Edit: It works!
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