Inactive [INACTIVE][WGEN] SphereWorld v0.5 - Creates a World of Spheres [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Thomas Bucher, May 25, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    SphereWorld - Creates a World of Spheres:
    Version: v0.5

    You need another Challenge on your Server..
    SphereWorld makes it. You will start planting Trees, just to get the Material needed to reach the next Spheres ;-)

    NOTE: Ice spread around on the Floor still makes the Map nearly unplayable in 1.6..

    • Creates a unique World of Spheres
    • Can be run as default or any world of a Multiworldserver
    • Pot Worlds
    • Seeds for World and for Spheres
    • Random Type (Pot / Sphere)
    • GlowStoneRings
    • OtherWorld
    • Protection for the Glass. PotProtection < 65 / SphereProtection = all (Op can still destroy the Glass)
    • Added Protection to Floor
    • Change Initial Generation
    • Water / No-Water on Floor (icebug)
    • No Spawn on Floor
    • Added some Grass / Longgrass to Otherworld
    • ....
    pictures (open)






    NOTE!!! Make a Backup of your Stuff.. I am not Responsible if you "*** ** ****" it up.


    Download The Plugin 0.5 MC 1.7.2
    Thanks to oliverw92

    Download The Plugin v0.4f MC 1.6

    Download The Plugin v0.2 MC 1.5
    Source Code is in the jar file.
    or at GitHub

    Download the Jar into your plugins Directory,
    Adjust config if you want or just restart the Server

    Config (open)

    The Config-File:
    usefloor: true
    worldsize: 2000
    mindist: 80
    useglass: false
    maxradius: 40
    spherechance: 100
    minradius: 8
    killonfloor: true
    maxheight: 80
    world: sphere
    minheight: 40
    usehalfglass: false
    userandomglass: true
    worldseed: 123456
    sphereseed: 123456
    otherworld: false
    useglow: false
    glassblock: 20
    potprotect: true
    sphereprotect: true
    floorprotect: true
    nofloorspawn: true
    nowater: true
    autosavechunklist: true
    autosaveinterval: 30
    Explain of the Config:
    usefloor -> Creates a Floor of a Bedrock and a Watertile if set to true
    NOTE: usefloor: false will give you some Error: Floor is missing, with most Teleport plugins etc.
    NOTE: only set it to false, if you use this as the only World on your Server!!
    worldsize -> set the Size, the Spheres will Spawn on each Side of the 0,0 Point.
    NOTE: A worldsize of 2000 Gives you around 1500 Spheres.
    mindist -> Minimum distance between to Sphere-Centerpoints.
    NOTE: Make sure, they to not intercept each other mindist should by > maxradius * 2
    useglass -> Will the Spheres be surrounded by Glass?
    NOTE: True is a good joice here, else there will be lot of water and lava floating..
    maxradius -> Maximum Radius of a Sphere.
    NOTE: should be < minheight + 2 and < 128-maxheight
    minradius -> Minimum Radius of a Sphere.
    minheight -> Minimum Height of a Spherecenter
    NOTE: should be >= maxradius + 2
    maxheight -> Maximum height of Spherecenter
    NOTE: should be < 128-maxheight
    world -> The Name the Spherewold will have. (The plugin creates a World with that name)
    NOTE: Initial the World should not exist. It should not be entered.
    killonfloor -> Kill players that are on the waterlevel (out of Universe)
    usehalfglass -> Only use Glass up to see level. No Glass on Uppersides
    NOTE: set useglass to false, for this to work, if you want half glass Spheres.
    userandomglass ->Random use Full Spheres or Pots
    NOTE: set useglass and usehalfglass to false, for this to work, if you want random glass Spheres.
    worldseed -> seed of the world (only numbers)
    sphereseed -> seed of the spheres (only numbers)
    otherworld -> Generates another World.. Very Strange (Nothing todo with Spheres)
    NOTE: all the Glass and Distance Things have no influence on otherworld
    useglow -> If set to true, the Spheres get some GlowBlock Rings.
    glassblock -> set the Type of Glass you wanna use.
    NOTE: Makes only sence, if you use it with usehalfglass.
    potprotect -> Protects all Glass from Sphere below Block 65 (Seelevel)
    sphereprotect -> Protects all Glass from the Spheres. (Op can Destroy only)
    floorprotect -> Protect the Floor from being Build on..
    nowater -> Genereate no Water on the Bedrock (reduce Ice problem)
    nofloorspawn -> Dont Spawn monsters at Bedrock Level
    autosavechunklist -> Enable this to Autosave the chunklist
    NOTE: if the Server does not shut down correctly, unsaved chunks will be regenerated
    autosaveinterval -> Minutes between autosaves

    Try the Defaults first, as they should work out of the Box.

    To Start over:
    1.) Stop the Server
    2.) Delete the Worldfolder "sphere"
    3.) Delete Files plugin/SphereWorld/*.data
    4.) Start the Server again.
    5.) After Startup is Finished, you can port to the World. example: /world sphere

    • /cr
      Regenerates the Chunk you are staying on (OP only)
    • /sphere
      Gives you information about the Sphere you are in (Everyone)

    • Add Bridges between Spheres.
    • Add / Remove Floor on the fly (force reload of all loaded Chunks)
    • Configurable Blocks for level 1 and 2
    • Add Underwater Version of the Spheres.. (We may need some more Light with this ;-P
    • Prevent Creeper from destroy protected Glass
    Version 0.5
    • 1.7.2 Compatible (thanks to Oliverw92 for his Effort)
    Version 0.4f
    • Prevent Glassbreaks from Explosions.
    changelog (open)

    Version 0.4e
    • Added Longgrass/Grass to Otherworld.
    Version 0.4d
    • Added AutoSave To chunklists.
    Version 0.4c
    • Fixed an Otherworld reload Bug
    • Added No Water on Floor (reduce Ice Bug)
    • Added no Spawn option for Floor (No Monsters on Bedrock)
    Version 0.4a
    • Added Long Grass
    • Added Dead Bushes
    • Fixed Interaction with other Worlds Floor.
    Version 0.3d
    • Bugfixes
    • Better Floorprotection (reset on Chunkloads of Floor)
    Version 0.3c
    • Added new Inital generation Process (less smud)
    • Added Floorprotection against Builds
    • Added noice Option for the Floor (made a lot of Lag)
    Version 0.3b
    • Fixed a Bug with Spherechance was nearly 0 again.. ;-)
    Version 0.3a
    • Added Protection to the Spherehull
    Version 0.3
    • Added 1.6 Support
    • Added Another World (OtherWorld)
    • Added Glasstype to Config
    • Added Glowing Rings
    • Added Some Fixies
    Version 0.2a

    • Fixed a Bug where the Spherechance was nearly 0.
    Version 0.2

    • Added World / Sphere seed
    • Added Random Sphere / Pot option
    • Fixed some Glitches
    Version 0.1c

    • Added usehalfglass. Now you can have "open" Spheres. See last Screenshot above.
    Version 0.1b

    • Fixed noglass parameter
    Version 0.1a

    • Added Commands
    Version 0.1

    • Releasing my awesome plugin

    You can try it at: ( Magiccarpet is installed .. /mc ) <- SphereWorld <- OtherWorld

    walq, Xaostica, efstajas and 7 others like this.
  2. Offline


    This is a great plugin but people with compasses are taking the fun from the other people. On a scale of 1-10 I would give it at least a 9.
  3. Offline


    Niles give -permissions for that, should solve that :D
  4. Offline

    Matt Gill

    When I try to make a otherworld map it makes spawn a normal map and then around it is otherworld. I need help please.
  5. Offline


    Is this compatible with Phoenix Terrain Mod?
  6. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    Stop Server
    Remove from plugins/Sphereworld
    Start Server

    I guess it would work. (Never Tested)
    I inject the ChunkGeneration at runtime just to the World defined at the Config,
    So it should work. You may just give it a shoot and give us some feedback. The plugin creates a new World, so there should be no Problem.

    But please allways make a Backup ;-P

    Sincerely Thomas

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  7. Offline


    Something nice is that the /cr command also work in all other world, so if someone exploded it with tnt
    you can reload.
  8. Offline


    We are currently using this as our temporary map on armathia and the feedback has been excellent from users. I just wanted to say keep up the good work. We love your plugin!


    I've just rendered a map as well of the world if anyone is interested what kind of things the plugin produces.
    Thomas Bucher likes this.
  9. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    Added Grass / Longgrass to Otherworld

  10. Offline


    Would it be possible for you to protect the glass from all damage? Currently creepers can blow holes through it.
  11. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    I will investigate, if i can add such an option ;p

    Sincerely Thomas
    Jan Tojnar likes this.
  12. Offline


    Hehe, backups made, an the new world seems to be just normal terrain. I guess PTM does the same thing you do, only sooner.

    I'm going to try to pregenerate a sphereworld using chunkload 5Km radius should do it!
  13. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    Adjust Levelname in to sphere;-)

    Greetings Thomas
  14. Offline


    Thanks for a great plugin. I'm upgrading to e right now, great idea and this looks like a very promising project.

    Apologies if I'm bringing up fixed stuff but I thought I would ask some questions and let you know about some issues I have had with the plugin.

    First of all, I'm not very experienced with multiworld operation, so all these questions could be due to lack of experience, but the settings I have in don't seem to apply to this world - is that normal? I have mobs disabled but they still spawn here. I'm running Essentials 2.2 if that has anything to do with it, but I don't recall seeing anything in their configuration that applies to other worlds and the overrides some of the mob settings I had in there anyway.

    Another problem I have noticed concerns entering the world. When I use command /world sphere to enter it will usually spawn me inside some rocks, I have to disconnect and reconnect and I end up on the floor.

    One other problem I have had with using this plugin with Essentials is when users use the /sethome command to assign a personal warp (AND a new default respawn location based on my configuration), using /world sphere spawns the player very far from Sphereworld spawn. I know this is probably more of a problem based on the other plugins, but it might be worth considering to add a command to your plugin that takes you to spawn in Sphereworld.
  15. Offline


    edit - nevermind, you're just generating a chunk. I don't need to know any further.
  16. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    I think apply only to primary world. You need some multiworld plugins to tweak other worlds.
    I didn't try to disable mobs on any world till now ;P

    This is just for First-Time entering (Op only) Make some Portals between the Worlds (like Stargate)

    Use a multiworld compatible sethome (like HomeX)

    Sincerely Thomas
  17. Offline


    I reinstalled the plugin several times, but still I cann´t use "/world sphere" ( Im OP ) instead teleport I just get "Unkown console command....".
    If I use Multiverse I cann´t telepot either, instead I get a lot of errors.
    What must I do/use to use /world sphere ? I´m using Bukkit 818.
  18. Offline


    If you use Multiverse you need to use "/mvtp sphere".
    Multiverse doesn't automaticly add the new world though. You have to edit the worlds.yml file to contain the new world.
    Just add something like this in it:
            animals: true
            pvp: true
            alias: ''
            blockBlacklist: ''
            worldBlacklist: ''
            spawn: -67:64:-68:0.0:0.0
            mobs: true
            price: 0.0
            environment: NORMAL
            editWhitelist: ''
            playerBlacklist: ''
            playerWhitelist: ''
            editBlacklist: ''
    Then when you teleport it shouldn't give you any errors.
    Thomas Bucher likes this.
  19. Offline


    it works.Thank you
  20. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    /world worldname - is an Essential Command I think.
    With multiverse, you have to register the world first, but i dont know, how you can do that.

    I made it easy, on my server, i use Stargate.
    1.) I changed level-name in to sphere
    2.) I made a gate there
    3.) change level-name back to original level
    4.) Made a gate there, and opened it.

    Hope that helps.

    Sincerely Thomas
  21. Offline

    Jan Tojnar

    Could you add automatic creation of worldguard regions around spheres, it is hard to select it. Or at least command to make worldedit selection around sphere player is in.
    Plus permissions support would be great too.
  22. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    Check command /sphere if you are in one. It gives you the Coordinates needed.

    Permissions for what?

    Sincerely Thomas
  23. Offline


    A few requests:
    1. Please don't say that a glass block is protected when an OP is breaking it (it's kinda annoying having that message spam my chat when I'm able to break the block anyway), or at least make it configurable to say/not say it for an OP
    2. I'm not sure how your kill on floor works, but can you please make it more compatible with other damage-altering plugins by actually assigning damage instead of just removing hearts? When I have godmode activated for building bridges between worlds, I still lose hearts on the floor, when I shouldn't be.
    3. Is there anway to regenerate just the floor for existing chunks (i.e. if we turn the floor completely off, or turn off water on the floor, is there a way for those changes to take effect on existing chunks without completely resetting the sphere world).
    4. I think it'd be cool if you created "stars" every once in a while (i.e. when you make a new sphere (only spheres, not pots), detect if it is completely empty. If it detects that, there is a x% chance that it fills the inside with lava so it looks kinda like a small star in the astronomical sense)
  24. Offline

    Andreas Brisner

    If you ask me, check if its empty, and if it is, regenerate it so it isnt ;)
  25. Offline

    Jan Tojnar

    Oh /sphere is nice.
    Permissions for /cr and breaking glass. On my server there are no ops because some plugins give them all permissions (not only that specified in permissions file).
    Maybe command for regenerating only glass would be nice too.
  26. Offline


    /cr is already used by chunkregenerate plugin
  27. Offline

    Jan Tojnar

    Add alias in plugin.yml in jar.
    Edit: there is alias /regc
  28. I've tested your mod and I love it :)

    Is saw on you TODOList that you are planning to add bridge support. Looking forward to it : it's the only thing preventing me to go live with this mod :)

    By the way, I'm pretty sure you already know about 'Biosphere' client mod but if it can help with the bridges :
  29. Offline

    Aki Tensai

    Could you add the sphere world's name to the config, defaulting it to sphere? I run multiverse with a creative half and a survival hardcore, which leaves me with many world files in the server folder.

    Took a look at your test server. Its awesome.
  30. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    it actually default to sphere.. and it is in the config

    world -> The Name the Spherewold will have. (The plugin creates a World with that name)
    NOTE: Initial the World should not exist. It should not be entered.
  31. Offline

    Aki Tensai

    Ouch. I completely missed it. Thank you.

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