Inactive [INACTIVE][WGEN] SphereWorld v0.5 - Creates a World of Spheres [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Thomas Bucher, May 25, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    SphereWorld - Creates a World of Spheres:
    Version: v0.5

    You need another Challenge on your Server..
    SphereWorld makes it. You will start planting Trees, just to get the Material needed to reach the next Spheres ;-)

    NOTE: Ice spread around on the Floor still makes the Map nearly unplayable in 1.6..

    • Creates a unique World of Spheres
    • Can be run as default or any world of a Multiworldserver
    • Pot Worlds
    • Seeds for World and for Spheres
    • Random Type (Pot / Sphere)
    • GlowStoneRings
    • OtherWorld
    • Protection for the Glass. PotProtection < 65 / SphereProtection = all (Op can still destroy the Glass)
    • Added Protection to Floor
    • Change Initial Generation
    • Water / No-Water on Floor (icebug)
    • No Spawn on Floor
    • Added some Grass / Longgrass to Otherworld
    • ....
    pictures (open)






    NOTE!!! Make a Backup of your Stuff.. I am not Responsible if you "*** ** ****" it up.


    Download The Plugin 0.5 MC 1.7.2
    Thanks to oliverw92

    Download The Plugin v0.4f MC 1.6

    Download The Plugin v0.2 MC 1.5
    Source Code is in the jar file.
    or at GitHub

    Download the Jar into your plugins Directory,
    Adjust config if you want or just restart the Server

    Config (open)

    The Config-File:
    usefloor: true
    worldsize: 2000
    mindist: 80
    useglass: false
    maxradius: 40
    spherechance: 100
    minradius: 8
    killonfloor: true
    maxheight: 80
    world: sphere
    minheight: 40
    usehalfglass: false
    userandomglass: true
    worldseed: 123456
    sphereseed: 123456
    otherworld: false
    useglow: false
    glassblock: 20
    potprotect: true
    sphereprotect: true
    floorprotect: true
    nofloorspawn: true
    nowater: true
    autosavechunklist: true
    autosaveinterval: 30
    Explain of the Config:
    usefloor -> Creates a Floor of a Bedrock and a Watertile if set to true
    NOTE: usefloor: false will give you some Error: Floor is missing, with most Teleport plugins etc.
    NOTE: only set it to false, if you use this as the only World on your Server!!
    worldsize -> set the Size, the Spheres will Spawn on each Side of the 0,0 Point.
    NOTE: A worldsize of 2000 Gives you around 1500 Spheres.
    mindist -> Minimum distance between to Sphere-Centerpoints.
    NOTE: Make sure, they to not intercept each other mindist should by > maxradius * 2
    useglass -> Will the Spheres be surrounded by Glass?
    NOTE: True is a good joice here, else there will be lot of water and lava floating..
    maxradius -> Maximum Radius of a Sphere.
    NOTE: should be < minheight + 2 and < 128-maxheight
    minradius -> Minimum Radius of a Sphere.
    minheight -> Minimum Height of a Spherecenter
    NOTE: should be >= maxradius + 2
    maxheight -> Maximum height of Spherecenter
    NOTE: should be < 128-maxheight
    world -> The Name the Spherewold will have. (The plugin creates a World with that name)
    NOTE: Initial the World should not exist. It should not be entered.
    killonfloor -> Kill players that are on the waterlevel (out of Universe)
    usehalfglass -> Only use Glass up to see level. No Glass on Uppersides
    NOTE: set useglass to false, for this to work, if you want half glass Spheres.
    userandomglass ->Random use Full Spheres or Pots
    NOTE: set useglass and usehalfglass to false, for this to work, if you want random glass Spheres.
    worldseed -> seed of the world (only numbers)
    sphereseed -> seed of the spheres (only numbers)
    otherworld -> Generates another World.. Very Strange (Nothing todo with Spheres)
    NOTE: all the Glass and Distance Things have no influence on otherworld
    useglow -> If set to true, the Spheres get some GlowBlock Rings.
    glassblock -> set the Type of Glass you wanna use.
    NOTE: Makes only sence, if you use it with usehalfglass.
    potprotect -> Protects all Glass from Sphere below Block 65 (Seelevel)
    sphereprotect -> Protects all Glass from the Spheres. (Op can Destroy only)
    floorprotect -> Protect the Floor from being Build on..
    nowater -> Genereate no Water on the Bedrock (reduce Ice problem)
    nofloorspawn -> Dont Spawn monsters at Bedrock Level
    autosavechunklist -> Enable this to Autosave the chunklist
    NOTE: if the Server does not shut down correctly, unsaved chunks will be regenerated
    autosaveinterval -> Minutes between autosaves

    Try the Defaults first, as they should work out of the Box.

    To Start over:
    1.) Stop the Server
    2.) Delete the Worldfolder "sphere"
    3.) Delete Files plugin/SphereWorld/*.data
    4.) Start the Server again.
    5.) After Startup is Finished, you can port to the World. example: /world sphere

    • /cr
      Regenerates the Chunk you are staying on (OP only)
    • /sphere
      Gives you information about the Sphere you are in (Everyone)

    • Add Bridges between Spheres.
    • Add / Remove Floor on the fly (force reload of all loaded Chunks)
    • Configurable Blocks for level 1 and 2
    • Add Underwater Version of the Spheres.. (We may need some more Light with this ;-P
    • Prevent Creeper from destroy protected Glass
    Version 0.5
    • 1.7.2 Compatible (thanks to Oliverw92 for his Effort)
    Version 0.4f
    • Prevent Glassbreaks from Explosions.
    changelog (open)

    Version 0.4e
    • Added Longgrass/Grass to Otherworld.
    Version 0.4d
    • Added AutoSave To chunklists.
    Version 0.4c
    • Fixed an Otherworld reload Bug
    • Added No Water on Floor (reduce Ice Bug)
    • Added no Spawn option for Floor (No Monsters on Bedrock)
    Version 0.4a
    • Added Long Grass
    • Added Dead Bushes
    • Fixed Interaction with other Worlds Floor.
    Version 0.3d
    • Bugfixes
    • Better Floorprotection (reset on Chunkloads of Floor)
    Version 0.3c
    • Added new Inital generation Process (less smud)
    • Added Floorprotection against Builds
    • Added noice Option for the Floor (made a lot of Lag)
    Version 0.3b
    • Fixed a Bug with Spherechance was nearly 0 again.. ;-)
    Version 0.3a
    • Added Protection to the Spherehull
    Version 0.3
    • Added 1.6 Support
    • Added Another World (OtherWorld)
    • Added Glasstype to Config
    • Added Glowing Rings
    • Added Some Fixies
    Version 0.2a

    • Fixed a Bug where the Spherechance was nearly 0.
    Version 0.2

    • Added World / Sphere seed
    • Added Random Sphere / Pot option
    • Fixed some Glitches
    Version 0.1c

    • Added usehalfglass. Now you can have "open" Spheres. See last Screenshot above.
    Version 0.1b

    • Fixed noglass parameter
    Version 0.1a

    • Added Commands
    Version 0.1

    • Releasing my awesome plugin

    You can try it at: ( Magiccarpet is installed .. /mc ) <- SphereWorld <- OtherWorld

    walq, Xaostica, efstajas and 7 others like this.
  2. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    I creates another world called sphere. you have to change to sphere or in the
  3. Ohh ohh sry sry THX
  4. Offline


    Whenever I teleport to that world, it keeps saying you are not supposed to be here and kills me. Can anyone help?
  5. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    killonfloor: true
    set this to false.
    use jump to get on a sphere.

    Note 1.6 is somehow "buggy" on chunk regeneration.. wait a few minutes and relog.
    Also restart the Server once after first run. Then it should work.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  6. But where is the config File???
    Can you please insert a tutorial??
    I have only 45Spheres in this big world
  7. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    There is the problem.
    spherechance: 101
    the configfile is in the plugins/SphereWorld
    its called SphereWorld.yml

    As in Post #1
    To Start over:
    1.) Stop the Server
    2.) Delete the Worldfolder "sphere"
    3.) Delete Files plugin/SphereWorld/*.data
    4.) Start the Server again.
    5.) After Startup is Finished, you can port to the World. example: /world sphere

    Greetings Toaster

    PS: Redownload Version 0.2 if you loaded it before today
  8. Ok ok thx now everything is great
  9. Offline


    If we set otherworld to true, does that make a second world in addition to the sphere world, or does it turn the sphere world into that other world. If it's the latter, is there any way to have both a sphere world and the "other world" on the same server?
  10. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    It make just an otherworld.
    There is no Sphereworld then.
    I add a split for this later.

    Sincerely Thomas

    New Version with Full / Partial protection of the Spherehull

    Greetings Thomas

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  11. Offline


    Nice! Haven't seen this before :p
  12. Offline


    Your plugin breaks my server!! Haven't been able to narrow it down. I'm using. 0.2 with CB 803 (tried 766 first) java just keeps crashing :-( I have to restore everything as it was before. When I put the sphere world into single player it thinks that it needs to generate a bunch of chunks and just screws up the world.. Setting up alternate test server to see what I can find.
  13. Offline


    I'm getting a strange display issue when teleporting to the sphere world; random things of water and lava are populating the area under the spheres, and mobs/animals are just kinda bouncing around in midair (despite mobs/animals being disabled on the sphere world via Multiverse).

    Furthermore, should I make a path to the water/lava, it is actually present (in that I can ride up and down the water pillar, and the lava burns me). I have not yet fully tested if the mobs/animals are actually hittable or not, but preliminary tests with a bow and arrow suggest they are not, meaning they're likely just a display glitch.

    EDIT: CB815, MC1.6.4, SphereWorld 0.3a, MultiVerse 1.6.4, WorldGuard 5.0-alpha10. I'm willing to blame CB or MultiVerse for this and wait until an RB comes out for MC1.6 for issues to be fixed.

  14. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    This is in the starting Area.
    After a Restart of the Server, there should be far less.

    Also with 812+ Server there is more than before..

    There is a way to get less of this.
    1.) Stop the Server
    2.) Remove the File only from the plugin/SphereWorld Directory
    3.) Start the Server again

    Hope this helps.
    PS: You can also stay on the chunks witch are bad and type /cr. But in your case is seems to be a lot..

    Sincerely Thomas
  15. Offline


    Yep, that did it, thanks!

    For the mob issue, that seems to have been a bug when teleporting to the new world (so likely an issue with MultiVerse and MC), where the mobs in the world I was teleporting from came with me or something, so killing off all of them and then teleporting "fixed" the issue (just in case someone else runs into the same problem).
    Thomas Bucher likes this.
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    Very nice... Could u add a config to generate grass on "Other World"

    Will use :D
  18. Offline


    Very impressive, can't wait to let people mess with this.
  19. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    There is some Grass also Trees / Reed etc. But it is very Rare, like Diamonds in normal worlds ;-)

    You should try

    Thank you

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  20. I finaly got around and give the Plugin a Try. It just looks amazing with the setting in the Config "GlassBlock: 1" so it makes a Stone Half Sphere. I found a little Bug, wich isnt so bad.

    The Spheres have some Holes where Gravel fell out. Looks nice because of the Water streams running down. But you can ride down there and Start Building on the Gravel wich fell out.

    I made a Screenshot so you can take a Look at what i mean. Mabe you can reduce the Spam a little bit when someone falls into the Water. Or i just got an Idea, how about a Config setting wich Teleports you to another World if you fall down.

    Lastly, my Brother saw the "OtherWorld" screenshot and thought about having both, the Sphere world and the OtherWorld, do you Think i can run the Plugin twice? (Under Different Names and Configs)
  21. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    See Post #80
    The Gravel is from the old premade Chunks.
    I will make a Split, and Otherworld will be OtherWorld Plugin.

    You can allways drop some sand, and then go down and stay on it ;-)

    1.) I will try to find a way to "remove" all Blocks from Floor, which are not water.
    2.) I will adjust some Stuff around the "Floor Killing"
  22. Are you Sure it is? Because there is alot dirt, coal and Iron on the Outside of the Spheres. It Looks cool, but i think it is a Bug, because it should replace it with Stone (if i Understand it correctly).

    Heres my Config:
  23. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    I am sure ;-)
    Use version 0.3c now. ( See Post #1 to Start over )
    Should not be any Problem now.

    Also added Floorprotection ;-)

    Sincerely Thomas
  24. Sadly it doesnt fix the Issue of Gravel Falling out of the Sphere and Creating Holes. But anyway. Should be fine for now.

    Thanks alot for the Quick Support.
  25. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    1 is bad, because in the Chunk-Creation-Prozess this gets changed. Maybe you wanna Try a block like 4 or even better Mossiecobble 48 ;-)

    Sorry for the Troubles, but Everthing > seems to Work good.

    Sincerely Thomas
  26. Offline


    suggestion: let us set what material the dome is made out of, stone, bedrock, obsidian etc instead of glass
  27. Offline


    I got cb#815
    I get no errors in the console
    It's only blocks that don't update properly (like I put water on a block and the water stay stationnairy unless I log out and log in again to the server)
    Same thing with tnt: you make a tnt explode AND BAM nothings happen, if you place something on where the block should be destroyed, the block disapear, you can log in and log out again just like the water issue
  28. Ratchet, you can set wich material the Dome Uses.

    Ill try with something else. Just need to find a good BlockType, want something good looking on Most TexturPacks. :)

    Well, appart from that the MossyCobble looks insanly Ugly on such a large Scale. I think I will Stick to Stone, because it lets there a nice organic feel to the Spheres.
  29. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    glassblock -> set the Type of Glass you wanna use. ???

    Sincerely Thomas

    Its a Problem with Multiworld.
    If you let it run as Mainworld, with no other World, it just works. Its a known Problem, and will be Fixed by Notch or the Bukkit Team ;-)

    Sincerely Thomas

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  30. Offline



    Also, if I put floorprotect to true is it normal if it hurt me even if i'm in god mode (from essentials)
    and is ti normal that it hurt me even in my other worlds?

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  31. Offline

    Thomas Bucher

    That seems to be a bug, i Check that.

    Sincerely Thomas

    PS: Version 0.4 is out, added longgrass / dead bushes

    04a Will fix that.
    Sorry for the Problems cause...

    Sincerely Thomas

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016

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