[INACTIVE][SEC] World Safe V1.5.1 - Build protection with whitelist for each worlds [621 -> 740]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Dere011, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. Offline


    World Safe - Anti-build protection with whitelist for each worlds:
    Version: v1.5.1

    With "World Safe" protect your worlds against the construction / destruction with a simple whitelist.
    The system works like the whitelist plugin (From Silence) but against the construction / destruction with a file for each worlds.

    • Block Construction (BLOCK_PLACED) / Destruction (BLOCK_BREAK) / Damage (BLOCK_DAMAGED).
    • One file for each worlds.
    • List of worlds configurable in the config file (You can disable (Just remove in the list) the whitelist in a world).
    • "Deny" message configurable in the config file.
    • Teleport On HUB function (optional) (With message)
    • Commands

    Q: The files are reloaded?
    A: Yes, every playerjoin event.
    Q: Sensitive name?
    A: No.

    Exemple :
    world.txt :
    <= Only player1, player2 and player3 can build/destroy in the world "world".

    admin.txt :
    <= Only admin1 can build/destroy in the world "admin".

    /worldsafe reload - Reload all worlds file.
    /worldsafe enablehub - Enable HUB teleport.
    /worldsafe disablehub - Disable HUB teleport.
    /worldsafe makehubtp - Make the HUB position.

    • More commands (Add / Refresh worldlist / ...).
    • Permissions support.
    • Sql support.
    Download (JAR)

    Version 1.5.1
    • Small fix.
    • Add Player Interact (Left / Right clic).
    Version 1.5
    Version 1.4
    • Small fix.
    • Message to the connection (WorldSafe: You are in xxx (World) whitelist).
    • onBlockInteract protection.
    Version 1.3
    • New plugin name (World safe).
    • Small fix.
    • New config file format (YML).
    • New commands.
    • HUB teleport function.
    • Sensitive name is gone.
    Version 1.2

    • Small fix (again).
    Version 1.1

    • Small fix.
    Version 1.0

    • First Release.
    wassilij likes this.
  2. Offline


    UGH, this is what I mean..

    1) I run server to generate worldsafe config files.
    2) I edit the config file with the name of my world.
    3) I run server again.
    4) server gives error and generates the worldsafe folder AGAIN, moving the previous files to "World Safe" folder.

    I can't even edit the config or any thing else without it freaking out and re-generating files.

    AKA: This plugin is broken.
  3. Offline


    Really looking forward to using this plugin on my server!

    If permissions could be implemented, it'd be perfect.

    Like worldsafe.<worldname>.build/destroy
  4. Offline


    Just a quick question, this is anti build / delete but does it allow users to still use buttons, doors etc. Im looking for a plugin that can do that
  5. Offline


    Small update 1.5.1 :
    • Small fix.
    • Add Player Interact (Left / Right clic).
    thepackett likes this.
  6. Offline


    Looks like exactly what I was looking for my server! Thanks! :D
    Dere011 likes this.
  7. Offline


    Considered inactive.
  8. Offline


    Can you take the command for add a player, direct in the server with commands? plz

    Sorry for my bad english i am french

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