[INACTIVE][MECH] ToughBlocks v0.1 - Who said mining should be easy? [499]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by cyklo, Feb 28, 2011.

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    ToughBlocks - Who said mining was easy?
    Version: 0.1
    Download: toughblocks_0_1.tar.gz | Source Code
    Like this plugin? Donate a buck!

    ToughBlocks is a plugin comissioned by RUtaq (thanks!), designed to make mining tougher and more of a slog for realism-style servers. When you "destroy" a block with a tool, instead of disappearing instantly you remove some of its "strength". You then have to mine the block multiple times over to finally remove it.

    As with my other plugins, ToughBlocks is a blank canvas for your customization. You can set rules in the configuration file to determine how many "destruction" iterations a block must go through before it disintegrates. In addition, you can specify that different tools do different amount of damage to the block. For example, you could have everything require eight iterations to destroy stone, except diamond picks which only take two iterations. Or even the inverse - you can say that all tools are useless except wooden and stone!

    To install, simply decompress the contents to your plugins directory. Then, copy toughblocks/config.sample.yml to toughblocks/config.yml and edit away!

    For the values you can use in your config files, use the blocks and items listed in http://cliqr.org/V (you can also use ALL and DYE)

    Example config.yml (open)

    # Set this to "low" to reduce number of boot messages
    verbosity: normal
    # Try adjusting this if you have compatibility problems with other plguins.
    # Default: "lowest". Can also use "low", "normal", "high", "highest".
    priority: lowest
    # Do we print out progress messages?
    showprogress: true
    # This is a sample configuration file for ToughBlocks
    # Configuration blocks are set out as followed:
    #     - tool: NAME_OF_TOOL (or ALL for all tools, or a list of tools like this: [TOOL_A, TOOL_B, TOOL_C])
    #       damage: DAMAGE_VALUE (anything between 0 and 360)
    # For lists of appropriate values for
    # blocks and tools, see: http://cliqr.org/V
    # If you want to specify different tools,
    # keep adding sub-blocks, but prefix the tool
    # line with a dash, like so:
    # GRASS:
    #     - tool: [GOLD_SPADE, DIAMOND_SPADE]
    #       damage: 180
    #     - tool: ALL
    #       damage: 45
    # A tool: ALL statement sets the drop for any
    # tools not yet specified. Therefore, it should
    # always be the last item in a list.
    # Uncomment any of the blocks below to see some example
    # behaviours
    # Make stone take twice as long
            - tool: ALL
              damage: 180
    # Make grass three times harder unless using a golden spade
            - tool: GOLD_SPADE
              damage: 360
            - tool: ALL
              damage: 120
    # Make cobblestone eightr times as hard unless using a pick,
    # when it is twice as hard instead
              damage: 180
            - tool: ALL
              damage: 45
    # Make Obsidian impossible!
            - tool: ALL
              damage: 0

    Changelog (open)

    Version 0.1
    • First release (0.1)
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    I fixed it myself if anyone wants it,just msg me
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    any chance this or something like this has been re-made/updated?

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